"We can't figure out the froggers"

I’ve seen a number of the frog defenders claim that you cant tell who used it and “ohh what if they grinded it out legitimately!”

A friend of mine just linked me a dps meter with a hunter doing 4.6 million dps and the closest after was 170k.

Blizzard are you for real LOL

If you see 5% of players doing 40x the damage of everyone, maybe take a look at what they did and take corrective action. The lack of desire to make things fair is appalling.

Even if you use the logic it isnt a competitive game mode thats irrelevant. The cheaters can now do all content at 100x the speed of everyone else. Its not fair by any metric. Come on


They act like Blizzard doesn’t have detailed logs on absolutely everything everyone does in the game. Some dataminers found something that indicates that they ARE flagging people who grinded frogs. As to what they’re going to do with that data, nobody knows yet. But to say “they can’t tell”, people are just being dumb because not only can they literally tell they are flagging people.


where did they say this?

There were a lot of people who did things outside of frogs aka hyperspawns which have been in the game and have never been exploits as well as farming raids which people reset for gold. Some people I know and saw did those other things. THough most of them are now nerfed to the ground.

In order for it to be an exploit, you have to do Very Wierd Stuff, like with the instance bypassing.

If I kill something, and it drops loot, and I turn that loot in? Thats not an exploit, thats literally how the game was designed to work.

You can call it unintended. I can accept that word.

But to call it a bug or exploit is disingenuous at best and a lie at worst.


Yeah I had a monk solo an entire LFR with full max level purple gear and all crit+stam legendary gems. It’s pretty obvious.

In fact I screenshot their name to look it up. Xastralts-Zul’jin

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Where were they doing this DPS?

I do about 100m DPS on a few bosses

I agree with everything you said but i don’t think people were cheaters, i did, but i think because this was happening on the PTR and Blizzard didn’t fix it players probably thought that it was intended to be this way.

I get it, i don’t know how people could think it is okay to be doing that amount of DPS in the first few days and be so powerful but as people have said it was advertised as “fast paced” which taking the frogging out of it this mode was really mis-sold to people, just look at the cloak for example, it worked one way on the PTR but then when it was released to live mode it didn’t work that way anymore :rofl:

I dont know the context. I dont think it matters when the other people were doing 170k top end dps…

They wouldve been doing the same aoe.

It’s not cheating to be better at farming than other people. The frogs have been there for 12 years. They’ve been exactly the same for those 12 years. It’s not a player’s fault that blizzard poorly programmed the scaling of this event and did not anticipate something like the frogs. I don’t fault anyone who spent hours of their Time farming the gains that they received for the time they put in.

I didn’t have my kids over the weekend. They were with their grandparents so I played a lot of world of Warcraft. I ground out a ton of bronze and upgraded the crap out of my gear. I also did emperor wrap and bought myself a heavenly cloud serpent for the coins that I farmed while grinding rep. Pretty happy with faldor mount, especially because I got the coins while doing rep and using bronze to upgrade my gear and gems. I am probably pretty fast ahead of the average, but that’s because I played more than average.

The issue here is 100% scaling. It’s not that one player is further ahead than you or me or behind. It’s scaling. If the rewards for heroic and mythic were scaled appropriately, players would naturally gravitate to the higher versions of the instances. Simply because as their gear got better the rewards would be better there. The problem here is the rewards are not dramatically better there. It’s far faster for those players who are massively over geared to grind out bronze by doing normal. It’s also easier because the scaling as I keep saying is terrible. And it’s hard to find players who know the mechanics of 12-year-old fights. Even some of the people who did this content when it was live. Don’t remember this. It was a decade ago. Look at a fight like dark animus, the scaling is absolutely terrible. I did it in a really good pug last night. It took Us 12 to 13 drives and of those they all ended within 30 seconds until we got positioning, right.

It’s also the fault of people wanting to be carried. When you see “need frogger” in an lfg, it’s not the player who ground out gear that’s the issue. It’s people wanting a carry and not knowing the mechanics. There are some fights that are very hard, dark animus in ToT the melee on the small adds needs to be cut in half. You have 3-4 seconds to fix positions if a healer or cloth wearing DPS gets 2 adds. That’s acceptable at a mythic level difficulty, it’s not where the difficulty should be in a “fun, overpowered alt leveling event” we hit the problem again, SCALING.

As genuine advice to anyone struggling who wants to collect things more than they want to raid. I strongly suggest focusing on getting all legendary gems for the additional stam. It really helps with the bad scaling and reduces dying over and over like in vanilla, which I think is why people are getting so cheesed tbh. Then 1-2 gear level upgrades and do all the meta achievements you can for the trinkets and rings. The neck is currently out of reach for non raiders, which is both an issue of scaling and terrible design. The neck meta should 100% be for LFR. Unless they dramatically fix the scaling, it’s going to be very frustrating without those basic upgrades.

All comes back to same issue scaling.
Edit: it’s also important to remember that the raids were not something every player did on normal mode in MoP. The raids were harder. Over a decade blizzard tried to make raiding more and more available to everyone and to scale the difficulty and rewards between lfr, normal, mythic and heroic.


Nah it does matter cuz in those scenarios everyone else is doing like 100-200k

This is not entirely true.

There are mistakes made in the game or oversights. If people abuse those things, even if they’re “in game”, it has always been seen as exploitation.

It is very obviously not intended for one person to do the damage of 30+ PEOPLE. You cant be serious with this logic.

Yeah man they intended for 1 to 5% of players to be gods and everyone else to have to grind hours a day for the next 2 months to do 1/4th the damage of the froggers. Thats totally intended.


I mean you have to be living under a rock not to have seen a frogger player in your groups lmao

Every group i join there is at least 1

I joined a TOES heroic today and 5 were froggers, i don’t blame the player i blame Blizzard i am just surprised to see so many to be honest.

Well, that part? NOW its intended, since they nerfed the frogs.

Of course only 1 to 5% are going to be OP now, when they literally prevented the other 95%.

No. Lore, a blue poster, literally said otherwise.

tl;dr: You played the game in a way it wasn’t intended and ruined the game for anyone else because “I have to beat this 94 day event in 3.”

Play the game for once.

There is a fault on Blizzard’s end for sure. Doesn’t justify breaking TOS and then making it so anyone who played legitimate is invalid for 90% of the content.

This also doesn’t address the fairness of someone being able to clear 100% of the content by week 1 and they remove the features that allowed that. So those of us, who apparently have better ethics and morals, who didn’t farm X ended up being double-punished. GG.

Youre doing 100 million aoe fps and everyone else is doing 100k? Are they asleep and playing by banging their head into the monitor? That isnt possible

Those players did play the game. They played it more than most of us. The issue is not how they played or how much they played, the issue is that the playing field is not fair, and changing the playing field after the fact makes worse.

The responsibility for this falls solely on blizzard. The players who killed Kermit and where armor made of tanned frogskins are not the problem.

There is a ptr for a reason. Blizzard should take ownership.

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There are several bosses who have mechanics that people just ignore, and the damage you get to do is hilariously overturned

OP is mixing players and official blue posts.

If the government suddenly said stealing is legal that doesnt mean its right or not stealing. Blizzard is complicit in this garbage, hence them doing nothing because they are lazy.

This is a common sense issue. They could’ve rolled back the servers. Give me a.break.