"We can't figure out the froggers"

The frog situation really is Blizzard’s fault for not addressing it during the PTR stage. While it existed for 12 years in MoP it wasn’t an issue since it was old content. But NOW…oh boy.


No im not…im OP. The person was referencing the 2nd poster about them recording logs of the froggers

Yes, that is one way something can be considered an exploit, but if something is labeled unintended by the company ie nerfed like the frogs, then that’s another exploit, frogs were not intended to be farmed for what they gave… Mist Remix the charms and other currencies intention is vastly different than what it was back in OG Mists, so using that as an excuse won’t work

A bunch of them are running around one shotting world bosses. That’s fun. Especially when I’m about to tag it and miss out.


If it was not intended, why did they not fix it in the PTR, when many people were pointing it out to Blizzard?

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The only roll back I remember was caused by grindpa in EU. It is as epic.

What I’m hearing is this:

We are allowed to interpret our TOS to tailor whatever we are doing to justify it.


Frogs dropped charms, that’s true, but the use was for weekly turn-ins. An oversight on Blizzard’s end, sure. However, the players found these items were dropping and chose to farm them to bypass the restriction on charms. Thus generating infinite boxes, threads, and gems. Exploit.

Tired of the mental gymnastics.


BINGO it was even in the ptr forums. If blizzard had read the ptr forums, not even if they had tracked metrics of their own ptr, they would have seen this problem coming. Ray from Ghostbusters picturing Kermit instead of the stay puft marshmallow man, that’s what this was. A giant marshmallow man walking through NYC would be hard to miss…

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I don’t know, only Blizzard knows why, as I can’t speak for them… is it their fault, yes, but as it was unintended this case would now be considered an exploit, how they go about those that did it, I could see the character itself being booted out of Remix prematurely or the player barred from playing that character till after the event is over

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This pretty much it was intended clearly for this mobs to drop the currency it just spiraled but instead of adding better ways to farm said currency aside of farming hyper farms and other meaningful bronze farming people wouldn’t be doing this if gear upgrades costed at max 100 bronze people wouldn’t be doing these hyper farms they would max their gear do harder content and save up for what ever mounts or mogs they want.

I did a raid where a holy priest was doing 8.1m dps at level 35. Are they a frogger?

Scaling and your meters can’t figure out how to calculate.

Low level scaling is still hyper broken as a max level player you will never out damage a low level player unfortunately.

Reusing lesser coins of fortune was simply lazy programming. Blizzard was lazy. Again this not a mental gymnastics contest. It’s simple. Who is to blame here, blizzard. The buck stops there on that one. The gate exploit. That’s a different story. If you found a way to bypass the hourly lock out that’s exploiting. You are cheating doing that. Killing a frog to see if it has silver in it’s belly is not an exploit. Again this was all brought up during PTR. Whose fault is this that this went live?

It was all over the WoW subreddit too, not to mention the Twitch streamers farming frogs on live streams and we all know Blizzard staff like to watch the Twitchers!

They let this happen and then when too many people started taking advantage they took it away because the plebs weren’t playing their game how they wanted them to.

In doing so they created two types of players, frogger gods and powerless onlookers! :laughing:

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To me the whole situation shows how players are their own destructive force. In a game mode which is here for limited time/meant for fun/non competitive/random scaling/odd abilities, and now have a gatekeeping added driven by players abusing something that (doesnt matter of opinion) needed to be addressed. Now that its there and wasnt fully removed or scaled it divided the community and actively affects the gameplay of multiple people. What used to be simply groups or randoms as the content is not hard in anyway and simply go in and have fun is now being separated and using excuses like “make your own group”.

True, but i was just saying, they said dps meter is a way to tell who is a frogger. I do nearly 2 mil dps and haven’t killed a single frog. Id imagine that someone who has played more than me can do even more.

Also if blizzard wanted to take action then it would be against probably thousands of people, which is why they aren’t.

That’s true.

However, you should not be killing them for 10-20 hours straight and inducing hyper-farm for a currency you know shouldn’t be dropping.

Blizzard’s at fault but you keep trying to take the blame off the player. Stop.


Yeesh you can do 2mil? My main can barely do 150k I seen low levels hold like 700k+ on meters of course but this is due to scaling

That’s pretty awesome I can crank just under a million on AOE and 700k clean on single target. In burst window with oblivion sphere I can almost hit 2 million for that 15 seconds though. It’s kind of fun I can press nothing except ice lance and do 150-180kdps as a one button spam. Lolol