We can ally with genocidal demons...but not forgive Arthas?

I mean yeah

Because of plagiarism.

Arthas in WotLK is horrible. On par with the jailer.



Arthas has a stone statue somewhere in a town square in RL.

I haven’t heard of any Jailer statues being made on the same level.


Out of all the years I’ve played WoW, that first entrance into ICC was the most epic memory I have.

And we were just clearing trash to upgrade our rings.


Like I said. Arthas was great outside of WoW

Guy with iconic armor. Both really known for their sword. Likes force choking people. Has a bit of asthma when he talks. Has an army of clones. I mean look alikes. Was once the Wonderboy of the light before he fell. Pivotal falling point revolves around taking out a town of people. The women and the children too.

Now turned into a cartoon villain during WotLK.

And when you beat him we find out he was really just protecting us or something.


I feel like most of this thread is moaning but I’m just going to nitpick this real quick.

There’s a difference between Arzaal and Arthas.

Arzaal admits that they were cowards and that by the time he, and others like him, realized their mistake and acknowledge the millions of blood on their hands and want to actually try and make amends. Arzaal even acknowledges he isn’t worth forgiveness but will work to be better.

Arthas, we may never know if he would have sought forgiveness for his actions. All we do know is that he willingly damned himself, everyone around him, and wanted to damn the entire planet. By the time we last see him he’s a puff of smoke, with the only thing left of his legacy being how much a jerk he was.

You are comparing a super dead man who has, during his life at least, shown no interest in believing he even needed atonement, to a demon who does. A better comparison would have been Sylvanas…since she is being made to work on her atonement.


Justice for Arthas. :fist:


Realistically, it’s because Arthas was killed multiple times while Sylvanas not so much. Or, at least she was revived and her soul (what was left of it) was left intact, and the events of SL explain exactly why Sylvanas lived where Arthas died.

Was the writing for Arthas good? Not even close. Turning him into a battery was a bad direction. He shouldn’t have been given a redemption either, so, that’s where the strange direction came in.


i forgot but was there no way he could have gotten some sort of cure at all or did he already try or was it too late?

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Arthas didnt ask for forgiveness.


Not entirely true. We see him die, and in that moment he is like “IS IT OVER?!”

Suggesting he had been very much tormented by his actions, or his situation the whole time, and been unable to do anything about it. Which makes sense since even without the jailer, the blade itself was known to control the wielder.

Then, he gets denied his proper judgment in the afterlife and cast into the maw. And after that, a very deliberate choice is made to make him “super dead” without so much as a chance for him to say two words.

I will say, I hope Metzen fixes this. You don’t just off screen kill Arthas Menethil.


This is fine.

But it doesn’t particularly change what I said. As far as we, and everyone else knows. Arthas never wanted forgiveness or tried to change what he’s done until after he was beaten to death by a group of 10/25 adventurers.

Him realizing everything was over and nothing was waiting him at the end, could have just as easily meant that everything he did was over, and he didn’t accomplish anything.

We don’t know, and we can’t know because he’s currently super dead. Like Is said previously, there’s a lot of question marks with Arthas that makes this comparison pointless. It’d have been better to try and compare the reformed eredar with Sylvanas, as those two have significantly more similarities.

Most of Strath had already eaten the tainted grain through bread stuffs.

Worst still, those shipments could’ve spread to closeby farms or villages.

So not only would there be a hordes of Undead pouring out of Strath but also surrounding his forces in the adjoining villages. A bit of a lose-lose situation from a strategic perspective.


Hard to say. The scourge is such small potatoes compared to The Legion, they didn’t even destroy a single planet.

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No he wasn’t. He was performing heinous deeds before he got his hands on Frostmourne. Shadowlands didn’t teach us anything about him we didn’t already know.

The genocide.


Very much a lose-lose situation. Which was the point. Nothing Arthas could have done there would have saved Lordaeron.

The problem was that had Arthas not decided the purge the city, he would have likely not been so emotionally broken him down that he’d be willingly to damn himself and thus doom Lordaeron by his own hand.

Which is kind of the point that situation was supposed to display but I feel people didn’t think hard enough about it.

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They are more similar, but we already know Sylv is going to come back into the plot and be giving at least some of us quests with minimal repercussions for her actions, at least compared to having her soul deleted like Arthas.

And the reason for that is because the writers decided it be so. Same with Garrosh actually, until they had him disenchant himself. At least that was on screen and fit the character though.


The quest was pretty much “rocks fall and now demons are your friends”


Best he could’ve done was to pull back who he could then isolate people in quarantine.

But even pulling that off…you have a legion of Undead breathing down your neck in literally every direction.


I’m not going to go into the Man’ari part because I haven’t done the questline but seeing how they managed to make Lightforged Warlocks make not just sense but actually logical, I’m sure there’s a reason why they are (most likely) just coldly invited into Draenei society again (again, haven’t done the quest yet so I dunno but I’m guessing this to be the case)

So I’m more about this:

What’s the difference between Anduin and Arthas is essentially what this boils down to and … it isn’t that what Arthas did was unforgiveable but rather he was taken into The Maw by Uther meaning he was never in a position where he even could repent, but that’s neither here or there - so Arthas compared to Anduin:

Simple, Arthas began his journey of vengence and cruelty long before he was influenced by Frostmourne - Ner’Zhul only played on the same emotions that Arthas already had, and used those emotions in conjunction with domination magic to turn Arthas Menethil into Arthas the Lich King
Considering his words when he was dying, maybe he actually would’ve been taken to Revendreth or another realm like that and been able to cleanse his soul, but ultimately his soul was intrically connected with that of Zovaal’s domination magic but as he was thrown into The Maw we have no idea what would’ve come of him

Anduin on the other hand? He resisted
Power is tempting for anyone but it is whether you choose and accept the power regardless of its price that matters; compare Anduin and Arthas, Khadgar to Medivh and Aegwynn, all Void Elves to that of the Void’s essence, Thalyssra to Elisande , and on and on the list goes

Arthas gave in to power even prior to being influenced directly by any domination magic for his vengence, and even afterwards when he was free of the direct influence he choose to seek it out again instead of “breaking” free like that of Sylvanas did to Arthas Menethil (whom had used domination magic to control her)

Anduin feels hurt and is currently seeking who he is himself because of all of this; the temptation of power, him resisting it yet enjoying it - Shadowlands messed up a lot of stuff but this is one of the few things that they didn’t mess up and actually nailed as best as one could’ve given that Shadowlands was cut short and they had written themselves into a very difficult position to write themselves out of whilst also making a satisfying enough game out of it


Like I said, it was lose-lose. Nothing was going to save Lordaeron.

But Arthas purging the city just meant the means of their doom would be their own prince.

Arthas getting eaten by undead would have been a Bad Ending for him, since you know eaten, but a Good Ending for his soul as he wouldn’t have been the Lich King, likely avoided the Maw, and wouldn’t have ended up as a puff of smoke lol.

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