We are winning too much honor points per BG

Blizzard managed to ruin pre patch launch, then ruin the fun of honor gained in bgs, what will it be today? Blizzard is scum and players advocating for the honor nerfs are pathetic.

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Homie; unlike all the others complaining about this. I have an actual human brother living in our home with 4 pieces of the GM set already; The epic ver. He started with 0 honor yesterday morning. The damage is DONE. We plebs lost out.

End of the god damn story. So thanks Blizzard. Love you too.

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Why do you even believe this is how they detected the bug? It took me 10 minutes of looking at youtube pre-patch videos from December, 2006 to see their current hotfix is accurate or at least close to accurate.


its not, not even close. They need to fix HK honor for it to be anywhere near accurate.

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It’s really not, video evidence is proving what you’re claiming as inaccurate.


Watch these videos and explain to me how that’s not close to accurate.

Watch the videos I linked.


That’s not how Blizzard operates. Videos can only help lead to investigations – Blizzard does not consider them evidence. They have stated this multiple times.

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Still no Rank 14 gear bloom? why aren’t you farming?



i mean yeah, your videos proved my point

HK: Commander
HK: Chamption


Right now all players are calculated at Scout and therefore you get 1/10th the honor from kills. Like I said the HK honor is off by a large margin.

To make it even more clear: You’re seeing single digits of 8 honor and 9 honor. This is still a 400% increase from HKs on live, obviously not close. You’re also ignoring the fact that the pvp videos show High Rank players killing low rank players, they receive less honor because of the rank disparity. The HK honor is WAY off.


What’s funny is that most people are just going to end up playing less because of this. I was ready to go into a fair grind for the R14 stuff. I was ready for maybe five or six hours a day, every day, for two weeks.

But that was for actually valuable rewards. Gear that would prevent me from being 1-shot the second I walk through the portal. Gear that would allow me to kill mobs at a reasonable pace amid 500 other people trying to kill them as well. Gear that would make it so I didn’t have to eat and drink in between every single normal mob kill.

I’m not spending that same amount of time for much worse gear that won’t even get me to any of those goals in the first place. The difference between green 58 green gear and blue dungeon gear doesn’t really mean that much to Naxx bis. You’re still paper.

I’ll just do something else for two weeks and deal with the trouble in Outland, rather than wasting my time for two weeks and…still having the same trouble regardless.


To Kaivax,
If you think your math on honor is correct; you should ask your boss if he likes the feed back given. Because negative feed back is how games get killed. Which is what you just started to do with BG’s. PvE out weighs PvP by 2 tons more than normally; do the math on that.

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HWL here, busted my butt for my gear, I’m ok with others getting it.

I understand the nerf (stupid easy to farm) but hell 10x is way too much, even 5x would’ve been somewhat viable, the current rate is actually insane because of the amount of grind needed for 2 weeks

you’re going to have more people stuck in instanced BGs doing the loser meta than people PVPing out in the world at this rate (with 2 weeks left, people should be enjoying the old world, not sitting inside instances forfeiting BGs for the best HPH, people WILL do this and they’ll waste their 2 weeks just stuck in their capital cities queing)


So they say, yet there’s more evidence of what they did being inaccurate.

Thank you for a rational take that I can get behind. I don’t have a horse in the race (don’t pvp/casual), but the honor nerf seems like way too much.

Care to post such evidence?
