We are winning too much honor points per BG

Yeah man, he want’s you to put in over 18 hours a day with BGs booting you out to get it, just work for it 4Head, maybe you’ll get 2 pieces.

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this needs about 100000 more responses lol


Respond, Blizzard!

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How many thousands more comments does this need before Blizzard responds? Time to start flooding @BlizzardCS on twitter I think. Wake someone up with thousands of notifications coming in.

no chance it can be intended to do 50-100 wins for a single item, Blizzard please respond

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Twitter probably will say something first if anything tbh.

Literally everyone I know is saying that the old TBC honour system had a bottleneck of MARKS not honour, that you’d get more than enough honour before you’d get the required marks for gear.

Hence why everyone tried to save up a mailbox full of marks going into prepatch (that blizz decided to wipe out with an almost full day maint).

Then you add screenshots/videos of TBC honour gains that show it wasn’t nearly this bad.

Blizz literally just used a single guy’s post as an excuse to go hard nerf on the system so that they can extend the amount of time you have to play to get gear because they just lost 30% of their playerbase during a pandemic due to how awful they are.


Blizz 2021 Dont you guys have calculators?

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“I agree honor should be buffed a bit, maybe not to how high it was before the nerf but at least make it easier to get gear.”

Not sure how to quote myself but I literally said that. Sorry man, i’m quoting myself exactly.

My point about Andy was he didn’t ask Blizz to nuke honor the way they did, he just said it seems too high.

Well this is something different than what others have been saying. A lot of people seem to argue that it is impossible to get the set at all – which is simply untrue. I do concede, it is essentially impossible to get the entire set in two weeks before TBC. But I don’t see the issue with this, because its not like the sets are disappearing after TBC launches. They’ll still be there for the entirety of TBC.

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This 100%!!! Blizzard just needs to read this.


Turned a fun pvp pre patch into a tireless life sucking grind that no ones going to do.

Suuuuuper cool.

Hey blizz where you at by the way? Anyone home?
Can we get some feedback? I’m over here still grinding honor in hopes that the prices of the items are reduced since that seems like the most logical fix.


Where’s your Rank 14 gear bloom?


thanks bro, good lookin out.
almost spent time playing the game.

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post on your main


Revert the nerf!

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The issue is more that Blizzard took a trolls word as gospel and used videos from a private server as “evidence”. There’s also a lot of players who intended to reroll toons for BC with this pre-patch and gear up through BGs because for nearly 2 months the beta for BC has had the same honor values that went live with the patch.

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I think the happy middle ground is to buff the honor. It is extremely low right now and kinda ridiculous from what i’m hearing in taking like 100 hours to get one piece of gear or w/e