We are winning too much honor points per BG

It’s literally the story of retail all over again- they keep making the game worse and worse in the hopes of getting people to play longer, but the 30% drop in subscribers was told to their shareholders- they can lie to us as much as they want, but they can’t lie to their SH (and you wouldn’t want to tell your SH you lose 30% of your customers during a pandemic where everyone’s stuck at home).

They’ve pushed this unrewarding garbage so far in retail its hurt them- and rather than learning from it they decided to start doing it in TBC too.

The pvp system of TBC was one of the things people were looking forward to, a return to a much better time from retail, while also being a pretty big improvement over Vanilla’s literally dangerous ranking requirements. They’ve managed to now screw up massively their honour AND arena pvp rewards systems, and TBC isn’t even out yet.

Seriously, was it too much to ask Blizz that you just leave your retail BS tf out of classic?


It a very sad pre patch. Im sure i wasn’t the only one that was going to gear a alt and enjoy some pvp before deciding with what toon i would have set foot in outland. Now i don’t even have the choice, a geared “main” or a alt in blues/greens.


I’m not going back through a 1500 post thread, go look through the thread, you’ll find it.

Ah, ok so it doesn’t exist… that’s because Blizzard does not consider recordings or screenshots to be evidence. They can only aid in investigations.

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What? lol

One of the main reasons I haven’t played retail since Classic launched is because retail is too rewarding.

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You only nerfed to take away the fun of your player base.

The rates per kill are far too low and now have killed off any chance for players to get to have much less enjoy any sort of experience before TBC.

This change killed any sort of drive to have fun with the changes now that it will literally take 10 times longer, and an even longer time to get any gear with far less time to use it before patch.

Not even sure I wish to stay in the game with quick nerfs that have no actual thought to game play.


They need to respond at this point. Either say deal with it or we are looking at it something. Cause this grind is border line early 2000’s indie with a cash shop.


I just want to know how they can keep ignoring the total outrage over this. This seems like someone isnt doing their job!

Yeah, I just watched Xaryu in an AB and saw that. I’m going to check it out myself in a bit when I can get online.

At 1:20 in 2nd video he kills a rogue for 9 honor. This gives 1 honor with current rules.


You’re the dude who tells the teacher we haven’t turned in the homework yet at the end of the class.

Ruining the fun :frowning:


#saysomething #fixyourmistake #giveusourhonorback

And yet they took the op post as gospel and nerfed it past what actual values were. I’m done replying to you. You’ve now swapped into trolling territory.


#saysomething #fixyourmistake #giveusourhonorback

if only they did :’(

i log off for a day to still find this hasnt been fixed, a bunch of monkeys could figure this out

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you would think blizzard would do something…

is anybody working?


you can still come out looking like you care, help us enjoy the next 13 days as much as possible - LET US GRINNNNNDDDDD (and actually get more than 1x peice)

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Please, turn to @BlizzardCS on twitter at this point. Will greatly speed this up.