We are winning too much honor points per BG

Andycloud confirmed best troll ever seen on the blizz forms, literally got blizz to %@#$ over anyone who wanted to reroll for TBC or gear out alts. Top kek

We’ve established this, we all know that man. They just haven’t fixed it.

Thank you for preserving the integrity of the game.

He kills a rogue at around the midpoint of the 2nd video (edit: about 1:20) getting 9 honor. Last night I was getting 1 honor per kill in the same situation.


F andycloud all the homies hate andycloud


“Thank you for preserving the integrity of the game.” - Bloomsday

By what making rank 12 / rank 13 gear literally impossible to obtain in the next 12 days?

Yeah Brava Blizzard! you did a great job there!


It’s not impossible – you just have to put in some work for it now.

Right like this dude has been bootlicking all day and night, this gear isn’t going to be worth jack all within the next month so why does it matter. MY AUTHENTIC CLASSIC EXPERIENCE

It is literally mathematically impossible to get the entire set with the current honor gains.


Where’s your 60 in r14 gear there bloom?


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At this point im just losing hope for tbc. They haven’t started it yet and they are making problems so big without even trying to fix them.


Cross realm BGs came in patch 1.12. They had already been cross realm for months by the time BC prepatch came.


#SaySomething I spent extra for this. Restore pvp to the way things actually were! F Andycloud


No it isn’t. It’ll just take some time. And it should take time. That’s one of the selling points of classic – gear is earned and not just given.

how is this not reverted yet
you disgust me you filthy billionaire lizzards


#SaySomething, a day of a completely broken experience AND a full day of maintenance. You all can’t even be bothered to communicate?

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Where’s the Rank14 gear Bloom, I want to see how you earned your gear.


It’s not possible bro, do some math

It’s been about 15 years since I have posted on one of these forums. I am baffled by the tone deafness and stupidity of this change. You acted too quickly to neuter the fun of pre-patch based on, at-best, questionable information.

Listen to your players! That is literally why we have Classic!


The math has already been done, it is actually impossible to get a full set of honor gear without spending 18 hours a day with 100% win rate with the short amount of time left in pre-patch.