We are winning too much honor points per BG

After digging and digging; and rubbing my neurons of the past together with the wisdom of today; I can confirm we WERE getting more honor then usual. But only around 2x-2.5x as it’s varied. Blizzard fell for a dupe; I’m amazed here.

Edit: You think they’d like lower the cost of the gear or something; it’s going to be replaced and people only want to do this stuff for fun.





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lower gear cost or wipe honor on expansion launch fix this



#SAYSOMETHING. Please fix this over reduction of honor. 5 factor is more accurate. 10 factor is ridiculous.

Thank you Andycloud for destroying the TBC Pre-patch

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How does it feel to be the most hated person in the WoW Community?

That’s a barrel you have to TRY to get to the bottom of.

Honestly though, wtf were you thinking?

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Imagine being so out of touch with what the community wants. I hope this company fails at this point, they do not deserve success. The blizzard we all loved is dead and gone. Huge names leaving the company left and right. Its almost like you don’t want to improve.

At this point there needs to be some type of community feed back pole, weekly or monthly. I’m not sure how it would work but there are other companies that do this for their communities to gauge what they actually want. Not what you, the developer, think they want. This little issue is the cherry on the sh*t sunday you’ve baked for us thus far for TBC. Please I beg you, play your own game. Get back in touch with the community. Use your brain.



Imagine being so out of touch with what the community wants. I hope this company fails at this point, they do not deserve success."

Truer words never spoken


I’m amazed this hasn’t been reverted yet. Defeats the entire purpose of pre-patch changes


I’m okay with admitting when I’m wrong; but judging the timeslots of this business I doubt we’re their priority anyways. The disdain is created from missing out on this, with a strict time limit; it heavily discourages me.

This is selfish of me yes; but give me my chance to benefit from this as well. Do you understand the hate now? I can’t describe it in a more normie sense.


Once in a lifetime moment, to relive the glory days of the TBC pre-patch. Where ANYONE who wanted the HWL/GM gear basically got it and duked it out. Ruined. It’s so insane, I wouldn’t have guessed it in my wildest dreams.




These idiots have no idea what they are doing.
So sick of this game and the people who have ruined it.
I’m done


that is footage from private servers

Wronge. back then there wasnt cross server. so he probly already killed those people 30 times that day with diminished returns