We are winning too much honor points per BG

The new afk premade meta is way better…

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Why don’t you report how eagle eye is bugged. So far, crickets about that. They seem to listen to you.

I can’t stand it, I know you planned it
I’m gonna set it straight, this Watergate
I can’t stand rocking when I’m in here
‘Cause your crystal ball ain’t so crystal clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this f****** thorn in my side
Oh my God, it’s a mirage
I’m tellin’ y’all, it’s a SABOTAGE


Beastie boys - sabotage
I think its an appropriate song given the occasion.

Still no blue post addressing this WILDY unpopular nerf.

What is going on over there?


1300 replies and not a chirp, fix honor or price of gear. 100 wins for a piece of gear is crazy


I think you also reduced ALL honor gain by a factor of 10… We are getting <20 honor per hk now

Not even just the total honor math, but the honor-to-mark ratio doesn’t make any sense. There is literally nothing else to use marks on right now. You will have to be deleting dozens and dozens of them before you could even save up enough honor to buy one piece.


Still not a single blizzard post addressing why they nerfed the honor after people are in an uproar seems like they really don’t care


Except his dates on the videos don’t line up with the information he’s using whereas the other information does line up with the dates in videos. Please shut up about bias and open eyes. He deserves every ounce of hate he’s getting for posting out fake information from a private server.


Wouldn’t it be cool if all these people reading and posting in these forums were busy having fun and pvping. The “fix” is what broke everything.

Hey its cool tho most of the people planning on boosting a new main and gearing it in pvp gear already paid for their “dark portal pass” so who cares about them right?

I mean tbh its not like people planned on rerolling factions, leveling new mains and the new retail players joining us for classic tbc werent counting on the honor gear to start their journey in outland. Nah none of that.

seriously, It’s not like people tested these things on the ptr and beta. It’s not like they had a plan moving forward into tbc and part of that plan depended on the availability of the pvp gear.

Obviously blizz doesn’t understand how personal of an insult -10x honor is.


These Blizz higher ups are trash can we get the originals back and not the Activision shills?? SMH what a truly historic fall of a once amazing game company/developer.


Blizzard, “We are taking the instance cap away for a genuine classic experience”

Also Blizzard, “Enjoy this new toy that causes your computer to lag out and leaves a fire trail behind your character like you were Illidan”


Also blizzard a year and a half ago …

“We are building a museum”

But then also blizzard

“We aren’t including the unarmored epic mounts because one of our devs said he didn’t want to feel pressured to level fast with his girlfriend in order to get them before they are removed”

Telling me to shut up is not a way to have a civil conversation.

Equating someone who disagrees with the narrative as , Blizzard worshipper is silly. I’ve been against many actions Blizzard has taken including the boost.

But go ahead, tell me i’m a Blizzard worshipper. Oh and banning someone with a difference of opinion, sounds reasonable.

So 1 honor per hk was correct ? Lmao kick rocks


There’s zero “civil conversation” when you’re trying to say I’m bias. You’re a troll, just the same as Andy. You’ve done zero research and you jump to defend someone who screwed over the entire WoW community with fake inaccurate information, then accuse someone of being bias for attempting to educate you. Get out.


Kaivax? Blizzard? Hello? Anyone home? Think we could get some feedback about this?


That is a strawman on my position but alright if you insist.

^Can you stop posting for awhile we get it you think its fine