We are winning too much honor points per BG

just so we are aware 95% of the gear you see now will be from yesterday to those who didnt rank the gear the hard way. That’s pretty wild.

Snitches get stitches


I knew I should have went as hard as possible in the beginning cause they would ruin something. Now I miss out on some sub par gear that would have been fun for 2 weeks. Guess I will go find something else to do.


They wouldn’t have let it go live if they did- unless you’re saying you think they knew about it during the beta, and gave the sweaties a day to exploit it intentionally before putting 10x nerf out for everyone else.

Who knows, maybe Blizz really are that scummy.

Exploit early, exploit often.

So no, he didn’t. Get your facts straight if you’re going to defend him. He has been disproven several times in this thread with people with real videos from original pre-patch and Burning Crusade PvP. Andy was using private server footage as his “evidence”, there are at least 4 videos in this thread disproving Andy’s claim that we should be getting as little as we are now getting.


Confirmation Bias

Yeah I did go hard once the patch finally dropped. (in the middle of the night). Got my weapon and was too tired to keep going since I was waiting all night for the servers to come online. Regret sleeping. its like we went from having 2 weeks to get geared for tbc to having 1 day

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Thanks for reminding the teacher she didn’t collect the homework.


we want a response hellooo


Blizzard: "No. :slight_smile: "

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I hate being left on read :’(

Someone like Kaivax most definitely does not have forum notifications on. It would just be nonsensically massive amounts of pings. So he will only see this if he’s interested in seeing it.

back to free to play games for me they feel the same anyway



get rekt homie

I’m kind of offended I’m only worth 1 honor point now. That means someone would have to kill me like 20,000 times to get a single item.


There were many problems with the post, and then how Blizzard handled it. First, you see people like this who seemed to have done more research on the system than the company that made the game. How we REALLY got our TBC honor (with sources). Second, even if this dudes post was accurate he would be comparing honor gains from original pre-patch (42 days long) to a 13 day long pre-patch (cuz day one didn’t happen lol). So not only do have less time (less time that what people thought) they will be lucky to get one piece now if they were leveling when the honor wasn’t nerfed.


Bumping this.

A blue response would be great. From a design standpoint this should never have passed the smell test. Some basic math would show how infeasible it is. Idk how or why this got changed within hours of a forum post by some randomandy linking videos from 2008 (… ) yet we are still dealing with this buggy dumpster fire of a pre patch lmao.


This nerf is insane. To get the 40 tokens necessary for an HWL 2 handed weapon takes 14 wins, that same amount of wins gives only 3500 of the almost 39000 honor you need. You’d have to win 150 games to get the weapon.

There’s no way any real game dev put any thought into this rate of gain.


Kaivax is asleep guys, as well as the rest of the classic tbc team. Leave them alone.