We are winning too much honor points per BG

they “fixed” the honor and now arathi basin is full AFK premades

“ you think you do “

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Modern problems require modern solutions… :frowning:


No seriously, we want a response.


Not my position. I literally said it should be buffed, not to pre-nerf levels but right now its too low.

“Do You guys think blizz dosen’t responds to the topic. Because they too Lives in fear of what community they created?”

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It is absolutely insane that they brought the servers down today and didn’t fix their horrible mistake on honor. It’s more absurd that they have yet to even comment on it here on the forums when this is by far the most wildly unpopular hotfix they have ever done. We should all make a pact that if it isn’t resolved by noon Saturday or whenever, that we all cancel en masse. If just one third of the people mad over this cancelled that’d still be 30% of their subs. I guarantee you less than 10% of the player base endorse this change. #CancelWoW


i agree with you %100 and i will cancel if this isnt fixed


#cancel !!!


Waiting, waiting, Bueller, anyone going to fix this?

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if i didnt 58-60 and already grind 26 marks and know for a fact im going to play tbc from the start this time - - id for sure #cancel - - i sort of still think a revert is coming and they will play the “we are the good guys, we fixed this - praise us” card

edit - i realize i can still cancel, and i just did - resubscription is cancelled - im 95% sure ill re-sub once my 3x months expire but, this has certainly left a bad taste in GravityX’s mouth! - make it rite Blizz!

This violates so many values that blizzard has historically upheld.
We deserve a response on this.


come on blizzard say SOMETHING else. If you’re not looking at readjusting your stupid honor changes despite this MASSIVE thread of feedback then SAY SOMETHING. If you’re looking into changing the honor, SAY SOMETHING. You all literally dropped the hotfix, left battlegrounds RANDOMLY dropping people OVER NIGHT AND FOR HALF A DAY NOW. Do people even work at blizzard or are you all bots?

Battlegrounds are LITERALLY unplayable. The fact that your whole bg can randomly be snapped away at any time is INSANE. How can they leave the game in this broken state? How is this okay?

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Welp, seems like I missed the boat on this one. Blizzard is always the same.

Exploit early and often folks, otherwise you’ll be left out.
