We are winning too much honor points per BG

The nerfs are way to hard even though we might have been getting a little bit to much honor x10 less is way to much

we want a response.


The weapons have some value, but not enough to warrant this. Lol

The aim is to make money.

Adding store mounts makes them money.

Reducing vastly the honour gains slows players down, makes it take longer to get gear, and they’ll have to sub longer to achieve that- which makes them money.

We aren’t playing TBC where the devs wanted to make a game that would just make money because it was so great people wanted to play it- we’re playing retail TBC, where devs are just looking for ways to squeeze more cash out of their rapidly dwindling playerbase.

im glad blizz expects me to level a new toon to 60 and get 200 hours worth of honor gear in 2 weeks :’)

Sad but true. Sad but true…

This is just incorrect.

The theory is correct, blizzard is a company that has shown all they care about are profits.

However, this gear will be completely irrelevant in 2 weeks. Them making this more of a grind doesn’t ensure them any more subs, or any tangible monetary gain. This is just good old fashion blizzard being incompetent.


is it possible to refund your character boost? I boosted a character cause it would have been fun to do pvp during prepatch but this change with 2 weeks to farm honor is just insanity, i feel cheated.


your money already bought Bobby’s next yacht. srry you will never see it again


nah this is it for alot of us ruining the best xpac prelaunch will ruin tbc

They explicitly stated that character boosts and realm transfers are non-refundable. :frowning:

Reading the forums is really showing me how paranoid some WoW players are… like it’s Blizzards goal specifically to hurt each individual player as much as they possibly can lol

Except it’s prepatch. It’s not gonna take me longer, i’m just not gonna farm the PVP weapons. Lose-Lose scenario. GJ blizzard

What do you mean?

I’m confused if this was directed at me, the person I’m replying to or just the forums in general.

My reply doesn’t imply anything like this to my understanding.

its literally what they are doing… they have done hardly ANY good. everything they do it out of touch and late to the game.


As a side note…How in the hell did they manage to get to this point without realizing that the honor was 10x rate…When you phrase it like that, it’s even more of a slap in the face

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Exactly like it’s in the phrase 10x less honor, like can they not obviously see that means 10x more wins needed to get the honor you want

Who’s to say they didn’t already know? They may have noticed and just couldn’t immediately fix it. Probably takes time and I’m sure their hands were full. At least we had as much time with the increased gains as we did

lol didnt take them long to fix once someone said something! I have what you said very hard to believe

You’ll still need honour for level 70 gear, especially with rating requirements and the vastly reduced arena points due to starting at 0 rating meaning this’ll be where you get the bulk of your gear in pvp unless you’re a top 10% pvper.