We are winning too much honor points per BG

You’re the annoying kid in class who reminds the teacher to assign homework aren’t you?

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you need to uninstall the game. You single handedly just added hundreds of hours of chores to tens of thousands players. F U C K Y O U


This argument that “everyone” is going to be in r14 gear is nonsense. R14 gear is hardly on par with AQ40. Nobody is going to replace their Naxx gear with that useless gear. This was supposed to be an alternative route to level alts and now it’s been turned into a massive time sink. Have fun playing 200 AB matches. I don’t even think I played that many games to reach Grand Marshal in classic the original way.


Yep. I am not anti nerf. I am anti bad analysis leading to excessive nerf. The concept is fine. The execution of said concept was lacking.

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Excactly my reward in pre patch for a achievement in March 2020 is not my welfare epics anymore, it’s the title. Last time I checked I can’t buy that with honor.

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Honor isnt the only way to gear b4 launch…

Fix HK honor please. The values are not correct

when will we get a response.

This guy is talking about hand outs. Imagine being this dumb. You are comparing getting gear from vanilla while in a TBC pre-patch. You realize the gear people are grinding honor for is going to be useless in less than two weeks? There is literally no reason for it to be a grind.

Do you make it through the day without falling over or slamming your head into walls?

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Look at the bright side guys by the time you get 1 piece of gear you’ll be exalted with all the pvp factions!

By 2022 maybe. It’ll be something along the lines of. “So we heard there was an issue with the honor values, we’re looking into it.”

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are you dense? You realize you need honor for 70 pvp gear right

Thinking outside the box- there’s one employee that won’t be getting kicked out on the street, future exec for sure.

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LOL ok, that was good. Too bad it’s funny for all the wrong in-game system reasons.

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Exactly people are acting like rank 14 gear is gonna have huge value in tbc when in reality people are just fringing it for mediocre leveling gear and more for fun then to get his gear that will benefit them for the rest of tbc

Get lost dude. Asmongold is a retail streamer that dabbles in Classic lol


If its going to be useless then why arnt u happy going into tbc with greens and blues?

Its because u want easy gear. skeeeeeeeert not gonna happen. Like said before do ony/mc/zg those are readily available

No we want the gear because it’s cool not because it’s useful

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That’s a big true and real dooood.

The issue is the inconsistency on Blizzard’s end. You can’t add store mounts and paid 58 characters with perks and then claim the morality of “keeping things as they were”…I’m speaking for myself 100%, but the aim is to have fun.

There’s another thread going on where someone seems to credibly point out that this quickly rushed hotfix may not even be correct…and this was a HUGE change. This completely shifts the meta more than anything I can remember in WoW’s history imo. Then again, first 2 week pre-patch we’ve ever had so I guess I’ll just go stick a banana up my rear and keep feeding the beast $15 at a time.