We are winning too much honor points per BG

This is clearly a lie, and it doesn’t take a genius to realize it. You are rolling around with honor cap to get your level 70 gear asap, and everyone knows it. You reported this as a bug to spite thousands of people and become a legendary troll.

Also you edited your post 4 times buddy. You were originally shilling hard for your buddy Kaivax to nerf the honor.

According to your reddit profile, you work somewhere a video game developer.

Lies lies lies, have you ever told the truth once in your life Andy? If you can’t tell the truth on a video game forum of all places, what does that say about you beyond the game?


I think there is a very real chance Blizzard knew the issue before this dude posted about it…

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The problem you’re missing here is this change just kills hype and feels very clumsy.

If they wanted to change this, they needed to evaluate overall honor gain and make sure it was reasonable given the severely reduced pre-patch period and the already nerfed HK honor values.

This is a no-win situation to nerf, people were spamming BGs and pvping happily all day yesterday. Even despite the horrifying servers. All they accomplished by doing this was pissing people off and turning players off to TBC classic. They needed a more calculated approach than what they did.


Thanks man, good work! Really. Claps.

Don’t stop the tin foil hat brigade.

The bonus honor in BGs was wildly off, but the HKs seem bugged at 1-2 honour per kill when it should be much, much higher.

Again the issues of trying to re-create what was over a decade ago with all the changes put in for 2021 without any bugs or incorrect math was just always going to be a bit borked and we’re probably not going to hear anything until Blizzard understands more about what should happen, and why it’s not happening.

Slowing players down to prolong their subs isn’t really a viable strategy when the game drives them to stop playing entirely :rofl:


Right, but most of that honor comes in the forms of Marks. Which aren’t being changed at all.

Nerfing the actual honor gain to make it a slog doesn’t really do much when there’s only so much honor you can bank anyway. Especially given that the nerf was so severe it becomes mathematically impossible to get a full set during pre-patch anyway.

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I agree honor should be buffed a bit, maybe not to how high it was before the nerf but at least make it easier to get gear.

That being said, THANK YOU ANDY, you do not deserve ridicule for bringing up a bug. He did not tell developers to nerf it to the extent they did, he just reported a bug.

Hope they provide a fix!

One fun thing to do, even when the gear gets replaced quickly, was to do PvP. To get some gear and get a bit better each match you played for 13 days. Now the grind is beyond reasonable, because of this bone headed decision. The pre-patch this time isn’t even as long as the original.
The long maintenance. The kicks from PvP. Less fun experience.

I will honestly just do something else till June 1st. (Lets be honest though, it may as well end up June 2nd)

The only ‘fun’ thing left is if you wanted to level a Blood Elf or Dranaei before TBC Classic. So for those that are doing that, I do hope you enjoy your time.

Revert this poor decision and allow us to have some marginal amount of fun for a couple weeks.


So is it safe to assume the maintenance didn’t touch this issue?

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nope they just brushed it off

Correct, no fix came. It’s still bugged and virtually impossible to get the entire set, weap included if you didn’t take advantage from the very beginning, sorry to say.

then why havent they reset the gear and honor that was obtained

too much work lol

1 honor per hk rn lmfaooooooooooo

yep even if you kill a rank 14, it gives a rank 1 honor, 1 honor, gg

because AndyCloud worked hard to farm 75,000 Honor on his Tier 1-Dungeon geared account, and then helped fix the bug!

Why revert the gear from Andy and other players? They worked hard!


coincidences do not work like that

Days? more like hundreds of hours ahead lol. I got 1 weapon on 2 characters, and 2 armor slots on another, that would take a literal eternity now lol

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I love all the people using the “they should have to earn it like the other people earned it”

I wonder if you were saying that as you got your ZG and AQ20 catch up gear? Or as you are buying JC rings that are just as good as level 50 to 60 dungeon drops for 2g that are useable at lev 37, etc.

If the PVP gear was Naxx equivalent this argument would have some weight, but because it’s barely equivalent to BWL gear that’s just a BS argument IMO. Also, anyone who did the grind knows the real reward was the title, not the weapons or the gear.