A factor of 10? There literally wouldnt be enough time to get gear before launch lol wtf
So you remove my marks from the mailbox because pre-patch drop took an extra 8 hours or whatever. Now you’re removing our honor gain. What do you want people to do in the next two weeks? No one’s going to PVP if they aren’t earning the honor they currently are. You also gave us very little warning of pre-patch drop so I was jipped out of High Warlord.
You are the absolute worst kind of bootlick
So now I’ve to waste my time against premades in AB or WSG, ty blizzard…
Yo guys rats are taking the form of orcs. Blizzard recently put out an update for this?
Well, im not doing that grind now. Will still pvp for fun tho.
Still getting kicked out of BGs right at the end so i get 0 marks for 20-30 mins of my time, but yes please make it where I can 10% of one thing I am able to grind out right now.
Just want to point out, the error is specifically in BONUS HONOR, not all honor gains. So the honor gain after the hotfix will not be a pure 90% reduction, it will just be a 90% reduction in whatever is classified as “bonus honor” and not necessarily all objective-based honor gains.
No, people are angry because this prepatch is already screwed everywhere with BGs dropping everybody after 10 minutes. Unless it’s a curbstomp or a team lets you 5 cap AB it will drop everyone without a mark. DURING THE PREPATCH THAT AFFECTS LITERALLY NOTHING.
No, it isn’t. And the fact you think it’s the same shows how pathetic you are.
Big mistake. DO not change it. Just yesterday your company admitted to making an error that caused an extraordinary amount of down time from the game.
Now you’re going to nerf honor gain by a factor of 10, when those original rates were designed for a month long prepatch, and not one lasting 13 days.
It’s very clear you don’t have any concept of what you’re doing. STOP sticking to the original design values when you don’t fully understand the context of which they were designed.
Sorry your game won’t be as easy as you wanted it to be … How about they hotfix the hotfix and make the honor 10,000x more ??? sounds fun doesn’t it
You really need to clarify this.
If this is an overall 10x factor reduction, I might earn one piece of 60 gear prior to tbc launch. I earned 14k today, and suddenly im getting a facotr of 10 less, so 1.4k? When 60 gear costs 38k for a weap, plus any other pieces you want to buy. If so thats a ludicrous and awful change
nice 70 honor for a AV loss great job!
this makes PVP suddenly a grind…
I mean… I identified a bug where I couldn’t get into the game for 10 hours, but you didn’t see me rain on anyone’s parade.
ooops suddenly like how it should be huh ?
Same kid that told the teacher he forgot to collect homework
theres boosts, its not how it used to be anyway. This is the dumbest nerf.
If anything, I want the game HARDER to people like you who don’t deserve gear would never have it.
Yeah, during the PREPATCH I’d be fine with that. I didn’t have a problem when Blizzard left in season 4 gear for the Wrath prepatch and rats who would never see 2200 playing paladins and arcane mages got their shoulders because it’s a prepatch and the gear was replaced by 80.
congrats, you are now the most disliked person on the world of warcraft site… thanks for reporting something that wasnt that significant.