We are winning too much honor points per BG

lol… its not my post for one but that has very little to do with the content of the post, please read it. They need to buff kill HKs, cant nerf both.

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can we get some more 4k res 90 fps screenshots from 2006 when people could barely manage 15 fps at 800x600 if there was more than 5 other characters near them as evidence pls


What does this have to do with this being a bug? You claimed it wasn’t a bug fix and I quoted them calling it a bug and that they fixed it.

Also, our reference client is 2.4.3, not 2.0. I don’t care what you remembered in prepatch.
I’m actually for increasing the Honor gain, but you’re an idiot.

That is my problem with this. Blizzard has all the problem solving skills of a room full of sugared up preschoolers sometimes.

I got you, here’s real, definitive proof from back in the day I promise guys


I love that this is as relevant as all the people posting 2.0 videos like that’s a good reference for a client based off 2.4.3
Well done

Which makes this not their first priority in this issue. I am not sure how I can be more clear about how Blizzard’s priorities are a bigger issue than their apparent inability to use a measured response to almost anything.

Yes it was high before. Maybe too high (I don’t think so given the length of pre-patch and the general purpose of having the gear being purchasable for Honour now). Now it’s definitely way too low. I’m getting between 300-400 honour for winning an AB match. I managed to get just over 10k honour before the nerf, now it’s going to take another 25+ wins to get a single one-handed weapon. Assuming 20 minute average queue, with 20-25 minute average games that’s roughly 15 hours of straight wins to get half of a weapon.

To make matters worse, the BG weekend this week is totally useless. Surely we can at least leave EotS out of the rotation until BC actually launches?

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It wasn’t a bug, because they have literally no clue what the honor payout should be and apparently took a trolls word for it.

If you don’t have any expectation for classic TBC to be the same as it was in 2007 just bend over and play retail.


People who used this before Blizz changed it are now, hence Blizzard’s motto being ‘exploit early, exploit often’. It’s everyone who didn’t get on immediately to find out what to exploit that’s going to be mad, since they’ll now have to spend 10x more time to get the same thing.

It doesn’t help that this, the long maintenance after deciding on an ultra short prepatch where people want to enjoy this brief period where people have 60 gear but TBC talents, little time to both get belfs/draenei to 60 and get honour before TBC, etc…

It’s Blizz taking a bad sitution, and at every single opportunity to course correct and be somewhat decent they pick the worst option.

At this point I HOPE that Blizz is intentionally trying to ruin TBC, because if they aren’t doing this on purpose they’ve passed a threshold of incompetence that I didn’t believe was humanly possible.


Blizzard…please listen to the community and fix this. We now have 12 days and you nerfed honor 10x b/c 1 trolling ‘Andy’ convinced you the prepatch #s were wrong from a few dated screenshots. You don’t even know if these came from a Blizzard server or private server and there is 0 chance for any of us to farm out 30-40k honor in 12 days.

I’m so distraught by how out of touch these developers are with the whole community. It honestly is depressing.


blizz tried adding rating reqs to s1 and s2 because thats what s4 had, it got reverted. but we should have jank honor for prepatch cuz ‘muh 2.4 client’ ? what are you on about

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You’re calling me a troll? I swear you’re trolling me…

And yes, I don’t have an expectation for Classic TBC to be exactly the same as it was patch to patch because this is based on 2.4.3. Not 2.0.

At what part in Classic did you say “In patch 1.0 Druid had to go deep feral to get boomkin form, so in Classic I expect it to be the same”?
You hopefully didn’t because Classic was based off of 1.12.
You’re a dolt

Can we please get a response within 12 hours ? Thanks


Completely agree. Can we get an update here?


They’ve probably shut off their notifications for this thread.


cant find downvote button


Almost everyone got ejected from matches and received zero marks. That is not “correct”. Guys, please go back to worrying about adverse effects on the playerbase before adverse effects on timegating. And yes, I know that you had nothing to do with this and I am not saying any one this with anger toward you.

In an AB now, just to see if the maintenance was to fix it. Can confirm, honor was not fixed and still getting 20 honor per 200 points. Also, no increase to honor gained from HK’s or killing players. Sooooo, %@#! us I guess.