We are VOID

I agree … but they decided to achieve with one shot two things .
Before BFA everyone expected/wanted (ok many players) High elves.


Alleria would be disappointed with you. She is literally the first Void Elf and still has blond hair.


So…you can’t enjoy the game unless other people have fewer options? Get a grip and stop taking yourself so seriously.


I mean people want high elves since 2007-2008?


The only option I want is for people to either be miserable or miserable.


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The more one thinketh on aught done not thereto related, the more one is inclined to believeth thus. Not to imply 'tis not the case, mind; I am as wont as the next to think ill of corporate motivations.

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He is still in character, he hungers for more and gets the High Elf customization option. Don’t see the problem here.


The reason why I feel this way is because it feels like Blizzard is panicking. They keep backtracking and going back on things. And what was supposed to be a win for nightborne and LFD was immediately ransacked by angry, and loud void elf players going “MEMEMEMEME BLIZZARD PAY ATTENTION TO ME” and suddenly now they’re getting options.

I’m incredibly miffed at how it feels void elves are just being destroyed to appeal to the group of people who couldn’t even be bothered to give them a chance and did nothing other than complain about void elves even existing. None of the options void elves have gotten have anything to do with the void, or anything about them as people. Just making them helf-lite.


High Void Elves are def a shiny object being dangled in front of our face.

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The Alliance players didn’t want them to have until they got shoved into their face, after a decade long request for High Elves. Let have them the victory.


I wanted them. I play both factions and I would take a void elf over a high elf any day of the week and they should have actually had time to become their own people instead of destroyed. This is not a victory and you do not under any circumstance get to tell me what I wanted.


I didn’t want high elves and I didn’t know, but I totally needed void elves.
Some darkness on the alliance side.


That’s an irony here. You don’t get either to tell other people what they want to play or not. In the end, you’ll get over it the next few months.


I am not speaking for other people, nor have I said what other people should want or not. I said the void elves are being destroyed to cater to a group of people who did not want them in the first place, which is true. I have never once, in anything, said what other people should want. If you’re gonna put words in my mouth, try to make them work.

Additionally, I’m just gonna ignore you and save us both the time. Have a good one.


They aren’t destroyed, you can still make them. What you truly fear is that the majority of people will play High Elves now instead of Void Elves. I don’t see any problems either when it comes to similar customization options (Wildhammer, Blackrock), so why this emotional outburst over something you adore and don’t want to share?

Feel free to do so.


The problem is, the vocal HELF fans will gloat. They believe they have won and they will continue to demand the ‘destruction’ of the Void Elves. There have been threads in the past requesting the removal of our racials because they don’t fit with the HELF.


Do I need to remind you that both sides are doing this? Should I look up one post where a female Blood Elf DK criticized a Pandaren player for having an opinion while not using a Belf-avatar on the forums? No Belf-avatar = you are not allowed to express free speech.

It’s both sides.


there is no point in the creation concept of void elves that you can’t justify saying ‘but why not just high elves’ instead of your edgy hot topic knockoffs

don’t get me wrong, cool, let them have their own shtick but don’t try and cut down on high elf players because we’ve been wanting things a lot longer than you have and void elves already are helf lite, blizz is just childish about giving players elves while they go on their cubicle crawls


Yes, but they in fact created void elves. They should stick to their theme. Make High Elves a separate allied race.


They were a compromise race nobody asked for. And unlike HMT they have not much established lore or whole section dedicated to them. It’s fine if you like them but let’s stick to the points here.