We are in Control; Not you Blizzard

Control is an illusion

the blizz apologist are strong in this thread

It IS your fault for choosing to play on a server that is designated as a mega server.

You thought there wasn’t going to ever be a que time around an expansion launch? Man you are BOLD.

You do have options to leave it like everyone else if you wish to do so.

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Cool, one less rogue.

take your friends and guild with you to help promote a healthy server elsewhere. That friends and guildies thing is a cop out when you can all move for free.

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You are correct. Mispeled wrote a great post on this in the CC and I’m trying to spread it:

I think there was a gunslinger who said “There are other servers than these.”

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You all act as if the queue has been here the entire time you’ve been playing while in fact it has only been here since launch of prepatch. It will 100% go down over time and there won’t be a queue. Y’all need to chill

i payed them money to play on the server im on. I can’t get it. They took my money. I didn’t pay them to play on another server. Yes i am aware I can play on another server.

Any comment to add about me not being able to play on the server I PAID THEM FOR?

Sorry bro, but you paid to play the game and not the server. The subscription allows you exactly that.

You did not pay them for a specific server, you paid for all game server access (within reason to allow for maintenance)

sorry bro, you are wrong. im not talking about the monthly subcription that i also pay.

I payed the for a specific trasaction. That transaction was a transfer to this server. The payment was for the server tranfer, not to play the game. I can play the game on another server. But i paid for this one. they owe me this one.

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That isn’t what you paid for. Your beliefs aren’t reality.

again, you are far far from correct. I absolutely paid them for specifc server. they have a seperate transaction page spicifically for paying them FOR A SPECIFIC SERVER.

The next time you feel like shilling for blizz, know a little about the subject you are talking about.

you aren’t reality

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You are the guy shoving a stick in his bike wheel and then yelling at blizzard.

And your delusional post title… yikes.

you paid for a file transfer, which you got

the subs fee is to play the game, which you can do on another server or wait in queue or xfer

and you are the guy that feels the need to try to defend blizz for everything.

I don’t know if its the need to defend blizz or if its just a chance for you to argue.

Either way, i payed for a server transfer. I can’t play there now. please continue to make yourself look stupid and try to defend that.

yep i got that. keep making your self look stupid too.

I was always under the impression that the Overmind was in control as it is the will of the Swarm, and that they control the groove.
