We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

so by your logic there should only ever be one thread about something at all forever and if it’s locked there should never be another thread?


I sincerely doubt people are conspiring to flag it together. That many people just flag it because they are tired of high elves being brought up. I want them too but this is ridiculous at this point.


There would only be one thread if people let it be.

Step 1: Megathread exists.
Step 2: Flag trolls get it shut down.
Step 3: Dozens of related topics pop up.
Step 4: Flag trolls whine.


Eventually we get the megathread back and things quiet down for a while before it all happens again.

Although if im right then the cycle is close to its end.


You base your “theory” on rumors. You know what has also been rumored that has never passed? Belfs going to alliance after Cata. Necromancers. Tinkerers. Bards. Playable Naga. Rumors are great to prove to the world who is willing to believe something just because they want it to be true.

  1. I am not the one mass flagging. And everyone loves to accuse everyone or a specific group of mass flagging without any actual proof.
  2. Why do people think they have the right to create another thread about the same topic over and over after the megathread one gets locked.

First how about we go over the definition of the word “obtuse” and how it may apply to you and your fellow flag trolls.

I don’t need proof, it’s not a court of law, it’s just common sense.

And we can create any thread topics that we like, thanks for asking.

one thread is not spam. if we could contain it to one thread and not have antis flag everything that says helf then it would be no different than the megathread existing. also you ignored my other post to you. so apparently we only need one mythic+ thread ever. or flight thread. or anything. forum sure would be boring then.

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I mean, I’m just gonna say it.

The blue eyed blood elf threads get mass-flagged and closed almost immediately and you don’t see us spamming the forums with it every time.


So is thinking you are enitlted to making a core race neutral because a few alliance high elves exist

You know what else isnt playable besides alliance high elves? Alliance orcs, trolls, tauren, goblins and horde humans, dwarves, night elves, gnomes, and worgen

The game and the high elf people evolved from wc2. Its time to move on


And they can get flagged because there are 30 others of the same thing because you aren’t being as ingenious as you think. Dont complain when you post gets flagged again and again too.

You know what, I am flagging this thread. Clearly, this thread is more of designed for harrasment than any actual topic of discussion.

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.

After all, originally, all I said was do we always need a new thread about the same topic over and over after the megathread gets tempory locked, and all it is gone to is accusing people of mass flagging while at the same time, calling them trolls.


i wouldn’t care if belves got blue eyes assuming helves also had blue eyes as an option. though if what i understand is correct everyone should have golden eyes not blue eyes…

Well trolls will be trolls, Frosty. I just didn’t expect you to be so blatant about it. You basically derailed the thread topic to whine about stuff.


Because theyre horrendous hypocrites who cry out when their topics get flagged yet nobody is quicker to mass flag then them when it comes to topics like the one you mentioned


And I broke the dam.

Fyre, they are going to make all races faction-neutral, not just blood elves.

And since, as you say that blood elves and high elves are the same thing then if i can roll one on Alliance it will be an Alliance High Elf? Just checking.

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The High Elf topic is one people are passionate about. Given it, by its nature, does not break the forum TOS, people are free to talk about it.

Are you saying people with gripes about how the Outlaw nerf should only be isolated to one topic ever and, if that gets closed, that’s it? What about shamans wanting a buff to their class? What about people talking about Mechagon’s various rare drops?

We keep it to one or two threads when that’s available, but moment it isn’t, people’ll bust open another tread to talk about it. Such is the way of the forum


Yeah, which is the ironic part really. Don’t cry that your threads are getting mass flagged when you’re taking part in it yourself, and on such an immediate and mass scale.

I think I saw blue eyed blood elf thread get mass flagged within a few hours.


The factions arent going anywhere, at best you can hope to see some content like random bgs and lfd/lfr that will allow cross faction queing. Take off the tin foil hat please


I don’t care if people do talk about High Elves. Everyone after is entitled to talk about any topic. That is not what I am getting at.

I was talking about thread duplication at first, considering everytime the megathread gets lock, thousand more topics get created and causes spam.

One thing I agree on though, people need to stop mass flagging threads if they disagree with something, for example, the High Elf megathread or threads about Blue Eyes options for Blood Elves.