Chill. Stop worrying about what Youtubers say about playstyles and min-maxing. If you are worried about being ridiculed then you probably aren’t doing as well as you think. Or you are picking choices that are universally known to be really bad. If you want to play in any endgame content then you need to put forth the effort to not suck. Picking what you want even though you know how bad that choice is (talking laughably bad and not a few percentile difference) basically creates another roadblock that your group needs to overcome.
Everyone seems to always miss the irony in these threads where the OP uses a meta build for his characters.
This clown doesn’t actually mean anything he says.
I mean, look at his Priest. Standard build with Crit corruptions. Literally straight out of Shadow Priest guides.
And absolutely nobody has an issue with people who choose to do that, that is their drive, the problem comes when these people and often usually less decent players who want to believe they are good start making this A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT for others and demand they should fotm/meta slave or there’s consequences.
You just like my GM for example will happily play what helps the team the most, I absolutely will not.
And when Preach and buddies call anyone who refuses to play the best specs and instead might play the fun “trash” specs “bad”, a burden or trolling the raid, something that becomes even worse when the average players who worship those streamers see them say stuff like this and repeat them 10 times worse in game not only does this add toxicity to the game, it makes people who want to have fun UNJUSTLY SUFFER cuz some streamer and his followers pretend he and his raid team parse 100 all the time and are flawless so anyone not reaching the same level is a burden.
Again we reach the point where people fail to realize the difference between viability and 100% optimization.
A mythic boss can be killed if let’s say everyone performs at 80% of their spec, anyone who has achieved that threshold is good, if you are below that yes you can easily argue that they are being carried, but people who pretend that unless you are 100% optimized (these ppl also rarely reach the optimized builds 100% potential) you are a burden, bad, useless, trolling the raid then we have a serious problem.
This toxic mentality should not be allowed
I am certain people wouldnt call specs that do 10% less damage “trash” during streams and then have the community pick that off and think a class who is completely able to do most content suddenly is bad.
I ve played many “trash” specs over the past 2 xpacs and have done just fine, hell I even played fire mage without those disgusting bracers in legion because i hated that build.
The point is streamers like Preach have consistently referred to things that under perform in general, not just currently huge %, the word trash is thrown around left and right and to directly imply anyone who doesnt play the good specs is a burden, trolling, not useful not only is absolutely disgusting and an insult to most players, he has no shame saying things like that and we ve seen multiple elitists in this thread act the same way, as if everyone suddenly is playing with world first raiders and skill isnt a huge factor where you see underperfoming specs top dps meters all the time.
Indeed, not like shadow insight is considered terrible by most tryhard spriests, not like I am using lucid for literally all content including m+, not like I have 6 expedient and 3 severs losing a huge amount of potential damage because having 6crit, 3 expedient is the way to go if you care about meta.
But please do go on.
Standard build with Crit corruptions. You literally either copied Shadow Priest guides or Priests from Warcraft logs.
Embrace it. You are a metagamer.
If you didn’t copy those other Priests you would not be using any Crit corruptions or any of the standard talents and instead be using what you want to use.
Dude the elitists don’t own retail.
They only own Classic.
(gives Ràlph a cookie and a hug for grammar, sentence structure and punctuation even if I have no idea what he’s actually going on about)
You either pity them or ignore them . Remember its just a video game, If someone is taking it too seriously that they put real life value on it, leave them in their own world .
I have to tell you that you are dead wrong here man. I mained SV all of legion. It was basically the worst hunter spec over the entire expansion. It shined slightly in Uldir for a little, but even then was overshadowed by BM.
However I have a 2.2k io as the spec. I get invited to runs constantly. And very very rarely do I get kicked over my spec. It’s happened a handful of times, but that isn’t much when you consider I played like 2 1/2 years of BFA.
Basically if you play the game and you put in the effort. Nobody is going to stop you. I didn’t have a guild, all of this happened via me pugging solo. You can look up my Raider io if you don’t believe me. You can see all my parses were done with SV.
I completed dungeon master on 3/5 as one of the worst specs in the game. And nobody told me I couldn’t play it. I never got held back by the community because they didn’t like my spec. Most people have an understanding that if I’m clearly doing the content and know what I’m doing. They would rather have that over someone running their key into the ground that’s playing a meta spec.

Standard build with Crit corruptions. You literally either copied Shadow Priest guides or Priests from Warcraft logs.
Embrace it. You are a metagamer.
If you didn’t copy those other Priests you would not be using any Crit corruptions or any of the standard talents and instead be using what you want to use.
Let’s be fair to the man. It is not like there are many options within shadows talents that people would even find fun to deviate from. Because what’s best and what’s fun happen to align does not mean it was picked because it’s best.
The one and only agenda-pushing Ralph is back at it again.
And I really wish he wasn’t.

Let’s be fair to the man. It is not like there are many options within shadows talents that people would even find fun to deviate from. Because what’s best and what’s fun happen to align does not mean it was picked because it’s best
That’s kind of the story with BFA talents in general, though. Most of them are dead picks for a lot of specs (or are so badly tuned they aren’t good OR fun to pick).
I don’t see the point in being “fair” to this guy because he did the same thing on his hunter. Posted about being victimized for playing non-meta builds yet a quick glance at his hunter showed he had the meta talents, meta essences and meta stat stacking.
He follows guides/other players and just trolls on this forum. Trust me on that. All he does is spam these hypocritical threads.

Indeed, not like shadow insight is considered terrible by most tryhard spriests
Because it objectively is. You’re objectively gimping yourself if you aren’t running Shadow Word: Void. You are objectively a worse player for willingly not taking SW:V.

not like I have 6 expedient and 3 severs losing a huge amount of potential damage because having 6crit, 3 expedient is the way to go if you care about meta.
But you’re literally making yourself worse at your role by running 6/3 Expedient/Severe. Like, you are willingly making yourself worse at the game and are proud to admit it.

I ve played many “trash” specs over the past 2 xpacs and have done just fine
That ain’t fine, chief.
As trolly as Ralph generally is, he does speak some truth here

That’s kind of the story with BFA talents in general, though.
It honestly feels like my only choices are between Renewal/Charge and Starlord/Incarnation. None of the other talent rows seem like there’s any better option. Maybe stellar flare instead of twin moons, but I didn’t care for the feel of the rotation with flare in there.

As trolly as Ralph generally is, he does speak some truth here
How? Read my last post. Literally contradicts everything he is saying lol How can I pug a spec that is bottom 5 over 2k io before even the middle of march? If the community is that dead set against you playing anything but meta?
Worse by the metric you care about, one he clearly doesn’t. The mud slinging, even if its clear Ralph is doing a fair bit of his own through this rather incendiary persona, doesn’t help.
If he’s having fun and playing the game in a way that doesn’t affect your enjoyment of it then I dont get the issue. These threads on the other hand make my blood boil.
I troll on the forums and in the game all the time. It’s fine by me if they think I’m trolling in dungeons/raids if I play the class/spec I want, I’m used to it.
Ralph is blatantly misleading and/or misinforming everyone. By all metrics, he isn’t doing “just fine” if he’s underperforming as hard as he is, largely due to his own poor choices in optimization.
For like bleeding edge? Sure. But you’re not referring to famed slayer, I assume
Even today having access to 10 immunities makes the fight manageable. The amount of neck gymnastics you need to do to make anything less work out is absurd.