We are a burden/not useful/trolling if we play the spec we enjoy according to Elitists

We’re approaching month 10 of patch 8.3. Being casual and having fun is perfectly fine, play whatever you want. But when part of your job is to be the best and what others struggle to do in 10 months to do you can do in less than 1… that is “competitive”. The skill discrepancy is what makes his knowledge more valuable than your opinion.

Remember, Ion was hired to tune raids specifically for displaying this same knowledge way back when. Because he was… and is… an elitist jerk. Like, literally… it’s his guild name.

What attitude? It is literally a factual description of the situation. You’re the person busy labeling others toxic, tryhard, whatever.

I play subpar stuff all the time, because it’s fun. And, because I know instinctively that the people I play with don’t mind, and because I don’t mind when they do. That is an unspoken social contract that I have with my friends, and that other people have with their own groups.

That does not exist between strangers; there is no reason to expect that a stranger will feel it is reasonable to put in their best and have you not try to do the same.

The mistake you are making, and that you frequently make in your threads, is assuming that what you believe is or should be accepted as the status quo, and that anyone who doesn’t fall into line with that thought process is deserving of a label. Ironically, this is the exact thing you accuse others of doing here. People who are making their own PUBLIC groups are not compelled to align to your beliefs, they make the group based on their own; even if those beliefs are formed by consuming youtube content. If you want to make a group of subpar specs and go clear a mythic raid, no person on Earth is stopping you.

In exactly the same vein as your recent thread on blocking the entirety of players gear from being viewed so that everyone has to conform to your idea of loot distribution, this thread is about making others play the way you want to, even when you aren’t forced to group with them.

If you want to play in a way that other people aren’t playing, make a group and do it. If you can’t make a group because there aren’t enough people who want to join it, its because people don’t agree with you, and it doesn’t mean you should simply change the rules and force them to.


Just do content with your friends then.

You have to find a guild that prohibits dps meters, if such a one exists.

preach click bait

Ok good it’s not from anyone important. I don’t listen to cheaters

I don’t know about a guild, but there are certainly more chill players, and groups, who couldn’t give the slightest damn about how much you’re doing.

In my eyes, as long as you’re not so far behind as to be actively killing the group, I really couldn’t give any less of a :poop:.

Hell, I’d easily take someone who does 20k less DPS if they simply know how to interrupt.

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This is pretty much spot on when it comes to the vast majority of players, really. Burdensome is a loaded term, no doubt, but it’s literal meaning allows for it. Most people don’t care if you’re a bit behind; they care if you don’t care about their time.

That means, don’t play the bottom of the barrel undertuned crap without them agreeing first, don’t fail mechanics permanently and claim it’s because you don’t care, put your interrupt button on your bar… so on so on.

There is a massive gulf between what people like preach are saying and what people like the OP here are taking as the meaning. You don’t have to play perfectly, only play a top 5 spec, never fail a mechanic, so on so on. You just have to give a crap about the people you are playing with.

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Yeeeeup. And even disregarding all that, I’ll take you along if you’re just fun to be around. Obviously being respectful of the group’s time is part of that, but hell, I’ll outright carry you if you keep a fun and inviting atmosphere within the group.

I’ve run with some seriously snotty elitists - as in, actual elitists, not the OP’s interpretation - in my years of playing this game. People who’ll genuinely make you feel like less of a person, less worthy to exist, let alone breathe the same air as they do, no matter how trivial the content. I’d rather take someone friendly who’s underperforming a little bit, than Mr. Perfect who does nothing but make my game experience miserable - even if he does make it go slightly faster.

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M8 I wouldn’t play the game if it didn’t have dps meters, that the only real fun part of pve, the difference is I understand the difference between hyper competition and casual competition and the difference between tryharding and skill

You miss the whole point, Aedreth.

Just because you are doing maybe 1-5% less damage, doesnt mean you suck. But some people complain if you play your class how you want.

I suspect by your reply you are one of them rude types.

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this guy is downright volatile. Its disgusting the amount of defacing he tries to ensue on the competitive community.

I’m sick of it, sick of his 1% posts. He’s creating toxicity towards a small section of the community of wow that doesn’t need it, not that any part of the community needs it. And I’m no angel, sure I’ve been toxic. But never have I directed my toxicity towards an entire section of the community on a daily basis to benefit my own ego.

Its sickening


And Preach wasn’t saying this either. Ralph lied about what was actually said so he could stir up the forums.


And if you weren’t playing optimally someone was picking up your slack.

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These YouTubers wrap themselves in “loving the game” but its all a bunch of stuff.

I saw right through it after the first interview with Ion.

Whatever happened to folks coming together to have fun playing this game? Why is everything based off competition? If competition is why you play then cool but don’t knock others for doing what they do.


You’re saying that you should be able to play your class sub-optimally and NOT get restricted from certain content for doing so?

Yeah no I’ll disagree with that 100%. If you want to join someone’s raid or key run you bring your A-game. If you want to do something for funsies, go find some friends to play with.

phhhh…Ive had morons trashing me because I was playing Panda far more than once, lol
How many posts on this very forum doing exactly that the last two years? Lots.
Nothing surprises me with player attitudes in this game.

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If the content you do puts you and your peers in a position where your drive / desire to kill bosses or be competitive outweighs your enjoyment of playing a particular class or spec then ye, you don’t play that class or spec. And that doesn’t exactly feel good to be put in that position either.

But that’s the thing, that only applies to those people. And even then its only when things are really out of whack. They’re really out of whack right now, and that’s why this conversation has come up in the circles and contexts where it’s relevant. If it was all within 5%, hell even within 10% then the only people complaining would be the minority that can never be pleased, and everyone else (Top raiders and pvpers and ‘1%ers’ included) would get on with their lives.

I know you’re lurking liking every post that pushes your narrative, so how about it? If things were within 10% the only people complaining would be the ones who can’t be pleased. 20, 30, 40% though? We should expect better than that.

I’m curious to know at what percentage difference raid leaders are allowed to start benching underperforming players who are just “playing how they want.”

My raid group spent several frustrating weeks on a raid boss where two of our dps were parsing gray and being out dps’d by tanks and one healer. Their ilvl was comparable to the rest of the team. Other players chatted with them about talents and rotations. People did what they could to help both players improve their performance, to no avail. Finally both players were told to sit out a week. That week our remaining raid downed that boss on the first attempt.

It’s hard for me to accept the idea that people can just play however they want in group content and not have to deal with the potential consequences.

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Can you show me the logs?

Ask away! How many expansions in a row will you need to see people talk about “dead specs” and “non-viable picks” though before you realize that no matter what they do, this will never be solved?

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