We are a burden/not useful/trolling if we play the spec we enjoy according to Elitists

I get the same with feral or boomie. They always take my boomie.

If you join a progression raiding guild where playing what’s the best is expected, yeah, you’re absolutely trolling people by playing a suboptimal class.

I did it throughout nyalotha. boomkin is awful and I felt terrible.

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How is one spec doing less damage than another an rpg element?

Seriously though. My feral looks different. It plays different. Its melee instead of ranged. Yet feral doesnt perform as well. The other things stated is the rpg. The underperformance is not.


I hope that the people who enjoy BM will keep playing it! BM and MM have been doing about the same damage for me for the past six patches, so I just decided to play MM because I enjoy it a bit more. I wonder if people will switch from BM to MM in 9.0. It was looking very good for a while, but since their nerfs, I expect them to have about the same power again. We’ll see, though!

I think he has a crush on Preach. I know Preach is totally his type.

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Seriously what the heck is wrong with people like you.
Obviously the game has its shortcomings and there are issues with it. But to get so involved and impacted by a video and read so much into it without applying basic common sense… It just boggles my mind.

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I think the real bs in raiding is IO, just sayin …

You’re an idiot. I’ve seen the video. What Flynn and Preach are talking about is exactly the opposite of what you’re saying. There are specs they want to play, but they can’t because they’re not tuned correctly.

For example, I wanted to play MM through Nya’lotha, but BM is superior in every way because of MM’s piss-poor scaling, BM’s azerite traits, essences, and corruptions are simply incredible in concert, and Blizzard’s paid next to no attention to balance during the last raid tier. I couldn’t play my preferred spec until we had N’Zoth on farm: MM could certainly pull the DPS needed to down those bosses in the first place, but they were so far behind BM that it didn’t make any sense to do so. This wasn’t an acceptable 5% margin, but more like 10-25% damage lost just by going MM.

That is not elitism, that is common sense: you play the superior spec because it does what you need it to do, even if that spec is one you hate. I despise playing BM. I may have helped my guild get AOTC, but I wasn’t completely enjoying myself.

You’re deliberately misunderstanding the point.

Because you’re an idiot.


Wow you played BM for the guild, you think thats some epic selfless act? I am gonna say your rude and a jerk, and letting a buncha strangers tell you how to play makes you a tool as well. You want a golf clap…or a cookie? -eyeroll- the pain the suffering…I played BM!

Can I have a cookie?

Competitive - That word is the crucial context that you keep discarding to make your point. If your guild/group is not competitive, IE they don’t require anything of you, then it’s completely fine to play in whatever way you feel best expresses you.

Again, this has been explained ad nauseum to you. You are misrepresenting Preach and his statements for what I hope is attention since it would be tragic for someone to be as comically inept as you present yourself in these threads.


Cuz yur a cute Gnome sure -Hands a cookie to Wild- :3

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Thanks! It’s tasty!

Yet they are in this “state” every season.
People need to start realizing what is and isn’t important to both them, and to their success in a video game.

If your only semblance of fun comes from competing at the highest level, then you should LOVE imbalance.
Figuring out the imbalances and exploiting them are career-defining moments for some of these guys.

If you are at all interested in identifying with the character you play and progressing alongside it, then you should play the thing you are connected to the most and show everyone how powerful it can be.

In reality, nothing is going to be different about classes in this expansion compared to previous.
Some will LOOK significantly better on paper, but there will be dramatic caveats in play that likely wont be applicable to most players.

Play what you love through the thick and the thin and master it.

A player who has mastered a class and spec is far more impressive than some one barely relevant in competition rerolling every season for a 5 percent advantage it takes them months to learn well enough to realize.


-Mic drop- for the MVP, you sir got it!

Your definition of literally literally does not mean literally.


The people that are so focused on “the meta” are either the bad players that struggle with Heroic content or the Mythic raiders; the latter is justifiable, the former is not.

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I don’t completely agree with this advice. Some classes/specs, no matter how good you are, won’t pull the weight that they should. That ceiling is very important and suggesting people to blindly stick with it can be towards their detriment until blizzard steps in and fixes the problems.

Not saying it’s entirely wrong, I’m just saying, try to do it within reason.


Right, there will of course be things that just can not contribute, but still if you love it, stick with it.
Blizzard is the only one who can change that.

Keep showing them they should.

The thing that is missing here though is that the game’s tuning is never what holds you back.
Its always just social pressure or player perception.

There is a person in this thread demonstrating this quite clearly in a discussion about Marksmanship v BM hunter… for HEROIC.

As I led with in the initial post, figure out what is important to you.

If its succeeding at any cost, you know your path forward.
If its not, then step 2 is figuring out if the people around you are holding you back from enjoyment or not.

The rest follows suite.

Sometimes, things are just broken. It’s disappointing that I can parse 100 on my favorite spec and do less damage than a demon hunter parsing 80.


Naturally, we must delete Demon Hunters. (Just kidding! But buff MM :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)