We are a burden/not useful/trolling if we play the spec we enjoy according to Elitists

I mean, they aren’t really wrong. Anything someone does subpar has to be made up for by someone else. Especially in mythic raiding.

Your true self often comes out when you are not worried about criticism from others, and when he was playing with other elitists those comments came out, comments he wouldnt use with Ion in the interview or when talking to the community

In other words you are calling anyone who does raiding a burden for not minmaxing for raids, stop using the word competitive as if it means anyone who does mythic raids is ultra l33t competitive, i was doing mythic and many others do it to casually

Preach wasnt talking about how his world first or top 100 guild players dont play meta and therefore are a burden because he knows the top 100 guilds will tryhard and will play the most meta comb and specs and builds.

He was specifically talking about all those people who call him out as an elitist because he wants to change the game to fit himself while ruining the meaningful choice and RPG elements of wow because god forbid he cant be optimal at every single boss encounter.

he was specifically targeting all those people that keep playing the spec they enjoy in raids even if it is underperforming and refuse to follow the meta because it is just not fun.

These conversations usually go like this in my experience:

“MM is trash, gl” kick

“I appreciate the luck :)”

And then I get into another group and have fun! And also we time it because it’s a level 15 and we’re all super overgeared LOL!

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Honestly you just need to be banned. You’re legit just attacking Preach at this point and using the forum as an outlet for it.


Dang i thought you quit the forums Ralph

Every time I see this guy, I just know something is going to go down lmao.

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noms on some freshly popped popcorn

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Mine now


Ralph’s right!!
I want to play professional rugby and should be allowed to even though I’m out of shape and can’t keep up with my team!!


Considering MM takes more skill to play than God Mode “Oh Look Kill Command Is Off CD!” BM I’d say kicking you is a bit extreme. What happens when BM isn’t ‘flavor of the month’ anymore? (edit) Ah you were talking M+ and not Mythic raiding. Nm. My eyes glaze over after reading so much forum garbage.

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Nobody has a problem with Preach playing with his professional buddies at top 100.

But when you try ruin many RPG elements in a game because you and your top 100 buddies refuse to obey the game’s rules and limitations and demand that they game should build around you and should ignore the 99% then yeah, there’s many people against him

And his comments proves how out of touch and completely unable he is to understand why some people enjoy RPG elements and dont want the ruined simply because he wants to be optimal for every single encounter

What we want is a decent, fun mmorpg with good RPG elements like locked covenant/conduits to enjoy a decent RPG experience where characters have strengths and weaknesses instead of “oh no, i should only have strengths with the use of a tome, dealing with my weaknesses is hard”

No. We literally don’t want that. LOL. You do get 10 troll points for saying that though.


This didn’t actually happen.

Try again.

No. You started the problem with your lies about what other people have said.

Oh please. “Meaningful choice” was never going to be anything other than hot garbage. Just look at all the changes they’ve done over the last couple days as they steadfastly refuse to fix the underlying issues with covenants, soulbinds, conduits, and legendaries.


He can’t quit. Every time he’s been gone is because he’s earned himself an increasingly longer suspension.


I think this way about what I’m going to play because I care about the people I group with to do content. Now, I would love to play the spec I want to (Venthyr Fire), but I’ll so much as switch to something that actually works if it doesn’t work out. I’m not going to subject my friends to carrying my poor dps, that just feels bad all around. It’s not elitist, it’s just trying to work with other people as a team.

Now Fire mages are in a rough spot, and what I’m trying to do is be very vocal about what I believe is wrong with the spec in an attempt to make it as good as other damage specs. If blizzard fails me, I’m just going to have to change. The key part here is that blizzard failed. It’s not elitists or other groups of players that are forcing me out of the spec.


I always think that you’re trolling, there’s no way someone that hates Preach spend his time watching all of Preach’s videos and stalk him all the way to twitter.


I miss when Ralph was “on vacation.”



People can play how they want, just like people can invite who they want. Want to remove the risk of not being invited to the group because you’re not what they want? Well good news, you can make your own group and invite who you want!

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what RPG elements have been removed from wow because of the top 100?

what game ‘rules’ do the top 100 refuse to abide by?

what game changes have come about from top 100 players demanding it?


I play what I like, and like what I play. In the end its my sub, my account nuff said.

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