This is incredibly out of context. Fin is stating he wishes to be able to play what he wants to play without being a burden to his team - a team which competes for things like world firsts, high end mythic raiding, etc. These are issues the other much larger aspect of the player base never needs to worry about.
I am a heroic raider, a 2400 experienced arena player, and I get my KSM achievements. I’m not worried about their issues because I am not doing the most bleeding edge form of content, that being mythic raiding.
You’re trying too hard here, Ralph. Nothing off color was said in this clip, you were not called a burden for playing a sub optimal spec, and neither was anyone else. It is about the idea of playing the most well performing thing for a mythic raiding team aiming quite higher than most people will ever aim when it comes to this game. There is a difference in what might be expected of people at such high levels.
No one actually thinks this except you.
You need to stop posting blatant information. Nothing Preach said matches up with what you think he said. You’re just a bully at this point, trying to whip up GD as your own personal army.
Ralph, Im beginning to think you just like the attention you get on these forums. This concept has been explained to you ad nauseum several times over and from my perspective, your participation on these forums degrade the user experience with your constant brigading and divisive negativity.
All these comments and discussions you have are in the context of a competitive team based environment. World of Warcraft is huge and there’s many groups of people who play for many different reasons. Not everyone has to play competitively, but it’s fair of anyone to expect you or anyone else to give their all if you join a raid/m+ team that functions with a goal in mind. If you don’t want to have that expectation made of you, then find a group of people that don’t expect it! There’s plenty of diversity in the World of Warcraft raiding scene for everyone to play the way that they feel best expressed.
I honestly think you should be banned from these forums. You are constantly driving wedges and highlighting the things that separate us as players, and using your vitriolic rhetoric to inflame those relations. Propagating the “hatred” one group has for the other as an identity is about the worst character I think you can have on a “community forum.”
TL:DR - Stop attacking “the elites” for attention and start helping bridge the gap between our community groups instead of widening it.
How many people raid with enough one percenters for that comment to even matter? My raid leader doesn’t care what we do with covenants, and the randos in LFR don’t matter.
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He’s been suspended repeatedly. Hopefully his next vacation is permanent.
Posting in a Ralph thread.
Sounds like a typical method for exclusion and class differentiation.
- Identifiy those not in your group.
- Isolate their lack of willingness to cooperate with your group.
- Designate that cause as the reason your group is better, why they are worse/excluded.
- Through acceptance of this dichotomy you can now build a power base.
If you watch kids for awhile you will see this occur naturally time and time again.
Still, intentionally divisive, sure! Does it matter? Nope.
Oh boy a Ralph thread.
Here’s a random fact that’s more useful than the Original Post
You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from more than 2 miles away.
Blatantly OP you cant even hear mine from 2 feet away! No way that goes live.
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I haven’t seen you in a while
here you go
If that was the case the second quote wouldn’t act so surprised that casuals raid for fun with sub optimal specs and repeatedly saying ‘you shouldn’t want to be a burden’ as if completely unable to comprehend that some people enjoy their class instead of obsessing over 100% optimization
Don’t pretend they are talking about world first players.
elitists call people who aren’t as tryhard fotmer as them a burden, non useful and trolling the raid
Me calls them out
Someone: ‘You are being divisive by calling them out’
Elitists started these problems, not me.
Especially when they try to ruin an entire expansion for people who don’t obsess over meta because god forbid they have to stick to their choices
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Oh no. Someone whose opinion means nothing said something I don’t like. I better tell the world.
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I think we just need to stop worrying about how others choose to spend their time in azeroth.
No one cares if someone plays some God awful spec. “Elitist” won’t invite them. That’s their choice. And “casuals” won’t care either way.
If someone declines you. Oh well, play an elf or a draenei because at the end of the day, those are the best races. You’ll never be upset if you play one.
I’ve been declined on my guardian druid before. I just apply for a new group and have fun in trade chat.
You’re taking Preach out of context. These thoughts are to his circumstance and people he plays with.
He has expressed multiple times that he knows the way he plays is not how a majority of other players do.
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Why do you watch Preach’s vids if they upset you?
The second quote fits perfectly with my assertion. Once again, you’re prying the comments out of the context to demonize it. The “elites” couldn’t care less what you do with your character if you’re in a guild that equally doesn’t care.
The “care” comes when a non-competitive player joins a competitive raid/M+ team and then gets offended by having expectations placed on them. You don’t have to be World First to be competitive and have expectations. However, no one says that you have to play competitively - literally no one no matter how much you protest, says that.
Yes, because again, in the context of a competitive environment you are a burden if you don’t try your best for the team. Again, you pry something out of context and highlight it in order to propagate division and discord among player groups.
L I T E R A L L Y NO ONE cares if you play the game how you want if you’re in a guild/group that doesn’t hold people to those expectations. Protest all you like, you just make yourself look dumb to anyone that can follow a conversation.
First time in a Ralph post, this is exciting
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If you think mythic try hards are “elitist” and “toxic” because Preach told them to be that way you are absolutely delusional. First of all, you’re taking them out of context in a “poison the well” kind of argument. They were speaking purely for themselves and not for anyone else. Second, since you’re attempting to discredit Preach let’s compare the two of you. He’s raided for a long time as part of Method, a world first mythic race guild. You’ve raided for… 15 minutes as far as I can see based on your profile. You look really wet behind the ears. Third, you’re a known forum troll. Why should anyone take anything you say seriously?