We all need to participate

This is fitting

Can I speak with your manager please?

Ravec from 2012 here. I blame Himanshu and his Wartrash Battalion.

I still believe that we all need to participate :slight_smile:

Holy necro Batman!

Why am I just now seeing this? Although to be fair last year at this time I was un FFXIV.

I totally agree with you Dragrosh. I’ve got some ideas for things, but I’m going to hold onto them till I’m ready or close to being ready.

Rip youre Horde again? See you on the battlefield!

See 'ya on the field!

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thats a lot to read but i will say this

there was no reason to have warmode. there were pve servers, pvp servers, rp servers, and rppvp servers. that was the warmode, that’s what forged emerald dream into what it is now because not only do we rp but we also pvp and the people that attracted made emerald dream what it is now. it’s not like emerald dream is being invaded by griefers, this is how it’s always been because this is how it was always meant to be and when they put warmode in the server died albeit making a comeback


The comeback part is the most important part :). Seeing all the videos arise of Wpvp on BOTH sides have been awesome to see! Just like the old days of ED. It’s been great seeing displays of guild pride in Oribos, Org and SW. most importantly FACTION pride! Keep fighting for Emerald Dream!


I feel like we’ve all been doing a great job participating lately.


Yeah you can thank your allies for that too. Imagine trying to blacklist the guy who literally came over to help y’all.

See ya on the field tho, gl.

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We all had a hand in the participation efforts.

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We need to participate together, alliance and horde. Come brothers and sisters. ED must be built even greater!

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