We all need to participate

Yes, even more of our old friends who quit retail because they hated what it became over the years and to tell them a place where a lot of us old polks are squatting down down. Lots of old peeps, whether they be friends or enemies from back then, aren’t connected by other means like discord or social media websites and these forums used to be where we used to congregate and spend hours upon hours arguing and yelling at each other.

And we’d like to play with those old frenemies.

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This entire premise is retarded and you know it.

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I think that tbc will share the same cycle classic did. Had a stupid amount of hype at the launch then as things went on it died. I think now that the world buff meta is gone people can actually run around and play their toons. This is nice for pve, but as a pvper I’d rather wait for Wrath. I find that rogue is pretty sleeper in tbc.

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I just don’t see that happening but I’d be more than happy if you were to prove me wrong.

hahaha blood elves go brrrr

@Zenal actually answered the simple question I asked without acting like a privileged has been.

People like Heltor are a great example of the apparent lack of community that retail “suffers” from- If Heltor doesn’t like it then it’s “retarded”.


Go back to “classic” and relive your glory days.


What I referred to as “retarded” is the notion that us posting on the realm forums somehow indicates a massive problem with classic. It doesn’t, we just played here for 10+ years lol. But you are dumb though, definitely.

Curious. You feel the need to keep “explaining” what you really meant. I definitely don’t have that problem, obviously, yet I am the dumb one.

It’s okay. I forgive you.


Because you’re clearly confused lol. I can tell your have low IQ from the way you type.

I forgive you.

Oh yeah Shadowlands fun like going into a coma. Made to appeal to the lowest common denominator of mentally stunted zoomers haha



You whine too much!


Rheif gonna be the very last guy in stormwind still mumbling to himself about retail like an incoherent dementia patient.

It’s over son, it’s all over.

You’re having fun, but seriously it’s in the players hands to have a bad attitude about the game and kill it for everyone around them.


Blizzard has done everything they possibly could to kill the game, and kill off any resemblance of server communities

Players’ attitude towards the game is completely blizzard’s fault

Wow, it’s almost like the game has been getting substantially worst and people have finally have had enough of it. Especially BFA, if you played through that expansion and had nothing to say you are most definitively a blizz shill


Blizzard is perfect, they used your player feed back, this is the result.

If you still actually wanted to do something, you could and you would.
You don’t.

You just don’t like retail anymore. That’s fine. You have plenty of reason not to.

But the people that come here, tear down anything anyone is trying to do, etc.

Yeh, you just look like scorned ex’s, texting at 3AM, explaining why you dont need them anymore and you got a new boy/girlfriend, that’s so much better.

And then you wonder why you’re met with hostility.

But most of the complaints here, are non issues.

Pragus just said himself, “layering in classic is there, but all it takes is few seconds to get phased over to the right layer…”
You can do the same in Retail…
The only zones that have heavy phasing or any phasing at all are the newer areas. Folks dont leave the main hub cities or instanced content tho.

Like the game isnt great, but Emerald Dream is the only place that the community is falling completely apart/nonexistant. (and that has to do with the players/realm leadership… not blizz.)

(and this is me talking about, at the height of pop at the start of Shadowlands, not the current state where its 7months in to a patch…)


I dunno, wod was jumping. With plenty of griefing. It’s almost as if bad systems are bad post wod. Blizzard has literally chipped away at Ed with a new issue every single expansion. I don’t know why you’re suprised constant chipping has negative effects.

Kudos. My alliance guild is also awesome. Still though. They’re not a PvP guild anymore.

Blizzard chipped away at the community. Blizzard chipped away at PvP.
For Ed both of these were important. I wonder why we’re suffering :roll_eyes:

You’re kidding right? :rofl: Like wra community is not what it was either. The PvP side of it doesn’t exist. Rppvp servers like Ed took the biggest hit. We were the best so we had the farthest to fall. Ironically I still think it’s one of the better servers out there for rppvp. But yeah Blizzard chipping away at us for years will have a negative effect on a server.

not exactly… you get invited boom you’re in the layer. leave party. still in the layer. retail boots you back to your original shard. this small difference makes it easier to get raid vs raid going in tbc. there’s more of an issue getting both factions into the correct shard in retail than getting to the correct layer in classic as well do to retail’s wonky forced shard balancing. thus i hope retail gets upgraded to layers (that or give a shard hopper ui… though unlikely due to the ability to abuse in ridiculous ways).

I may have a bit of pessimism currently about the retail sharding/wm systems, but I like to consider myself a peg above this since I actually do stuff in retail instead of just hopping over to complain.

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Some ambience for you guys while you debate the in’s and out’s of retail