WC3 reforged datamining (post updated with models)

What? Sure he did.

anasterian wasn’t in the original wc3, so why it would be wrong for him to show up in the reforged campaign?.


But that wouldn’t be a retcon… A Retcon is a new piece of information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events… The inclusion of Anasterian wouldn’t do that, which is why I said this earlier:

how is not a retcon that anasterian makes his ingame appareance in the reforged version?


Because it doesn’t impose a different interpretation on a previously described event.

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We are comparing the original game with the “reforged” version. nothing more and nothing less.
it would not be a retcon the inclusion of anasterian, the ashbringer, lady liandry,ect or things like the tidesages?

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As I mentioned before, a retcon is something that imposes a different interpretation on a previously described event… I just want the story to be the same, meaning equally ambiguous. Characters being present for some missions is fine… But, I feel, for example, the confrontation between the Warsong and Night Elves being explicitly defined rather than being left ambiguous… Or white washing certain characters to make them less condemnable/complex. That’s what I don’t want.

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I kind of see where Aki is coming from?

When I was a kid, I enjoyed Star Wars in a naive way. Now, however, the concept of “Star Wars” is so contaminated by internet nonsense and prequels history that it’s completely lost any nostalgia or fondness I might have otherwise had for it.

Sometimes new content can change your mental context, and that can damage your ability to enjoy your memories—so you can, in a way, “ruin the original.”

So if changes were brought into WC3, and Aki experienced them, even as a toggle, it might contaminate her mental context around WC3, which is. Well, not the worst thing ever, but it’s not great.

All that said, I feel like if you’re that defensive around cherished memories of a video game, then it might be unhealthy? Idk, just the vibe I get from it.

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Just received an email from Blizzard. The new release date appears to be January 28th. They are delaying it by a month to get things polished up.

Honestly I’m pretty fine with it. I like what I’ve been seeing so far. So if it needs more time to cook I can wait for it (even in spite of being slightly disappointed at not getting to play it during my holiday break)


Considering everything they had to cut just to get to January, 1/28/2021 would honestly be more realistic.

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delay it as long it is necessary, that would be better than delivering an unfinished product.


Those slime monsters are terrifying.

Any plans for a sequel to WC3?

This thread was made when I was in high school. Also, I was excited for new updates to Reforged when I saw this thread. I’ve never played it or the original Warcraft 3, but I was hoping for lore updates.


3 years is one hell of a necro :rofl:


Huh, I didnt expect you were that young.

I was in high school when the original Warcraft 3 released.