WC3 - Mountain Thane - SMF

I’m not sure why you have hostility with players wanting to play titan’s grip. Most players just care about transmog and wanting to perform to the best of their capabilities. It sucks that players that want to transmog 1-handers have to take a significant performance decrease to do so. Generally Titan’s grip is more exciting because there are more often two-handers with special effects than there are 1-handed weapons".

Addressing your first option, why would it be a good idea to restrict an entire hero talent to a certain weapon type? All players should enjoy the entirety of their class.

My biggest issue with both SMF and Titan’s grip existing is that it would be absolutely terrible to have to farm 4 different weapons in order to do content. Fury warriors already have a disadvantage of needing 2 weapons when most other dps specs only need one weapon. And typically 2-handers cost more to upgrade or buy too which is another disadvantage.

As I said in my Feedback Post, Warriors don’t have any sort of out of combat “fantasy” spells that other classes do like Shamans and far sight, Hunters and eyes of the beast, Mages and Portals. Why couldn’t Fury warriors get the ability to transmog 2-handers into 1-handers. So I think your 2nd option is really the only option.