Waygates are bad. Here's how to increase their usage by 9,001+%

Put a Waygate in Valdrakken town center next to the outside portals.

Reduce cooldown to like 5 minutes.

Now everyone will use Waygates and not forget that they exist.


They’re fine. I use my dragon to fly to those teleporters all the time! 30 minutes is fair. Maybe the next expansion will be about teleportation. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not having a Waygate in town is a little strange.


In town center, yes that is needed.

5 minute cooldown is probably a little to short. 15 minutes would work.


Yes. I thought it was weird that all the waygates are so far away from Valdrakken. You can get where you want faster using a flightpath, to afk travel, or just dragon fly over.


I occasionally remember these exist.

And then immediately think “why isn’t there one in town?”


Implement the GW2 version of way gates…

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Is there like a huge demand from Blizzard to use them? Who cares how often they are used or not.

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Never played GW2. What are those like?

Once you find them, you open your map and click on a way gate and you’re transported there. *for a fee



Only time I use the waygate is to get to the Forbidden reach. It’s literally pointless everywhere else.


There is no demand because they’re out of the way. Players would actually use it if they didn’t have to go out of their way to get to a Waygate. Putting one in Valdrakken solves their lack of usage.


There are waygates?

I guess I did already forget about these! So useful… :roll_eyes:


If there was a waygate in Valdrakken period, it would get used no matter if its cooldown was 5 minutes or 24 hrs.


This is true. Players would use it at least once every time they’re on the Dragon Isles. Maybe more if possible.

30 mins is way too long for a reset to make the waygates at all useful.

15 mins like the hearthstones is fine. And yes I know that is for guild members perks.

For ease of access you just fly down from Valdrakken to the Rusza’thar Reach area to use that one.

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Seriously that pas in the azure district should be a waygate instead of a portal to the top of a spire in the city or at the top of that spire should be the waygate. These things seem to have been designed by Malygos for times of emergency transportation when flying wasn’t fast enough. Why doesn’t the dragon capital have one. Say what you will about the former blue aspect but a stupid dragon he was not. Even Razageth said he was an aspect tobe feared compared to Kalecgos.

Edit: this is off topic but it seems to me the current devs think it was a mistake to kill not one but two aspects WHILE they still had their aspectral power and they’re showing the results of it or trying to fix it somehow. It only took a raid of 10-25 horde or alliance mercenaries to kill the blue aspect while he was still the aspect in every way titan powers and all. And it wasn’t that hard to do. So why are we going through all the trouble of helping the others get what they had back? It wasn’t enough to prevent alexstraza from being enslaved and raped by orcs. It wasn’t enough to keep Malygos alive. It wasn’t even enough to keep Razageth’s prison sealed or put her there in the first place.

Why is there even a cooldown? It blew my mind the first time I saw it. Do they even play the game?


Here’s a secret:

They don’t want you to use them.

It’ll hurt their time played metric if people are teleporting everywhere.


The only time I’m reminded that there are waygates in game is when that little monkey follows me around trying to get me to accept some waygate quest. I decline decline decline and he just keeps following me around…

I can’t get rid of him and its beyond annoying having him follow me around Forbidden reach :unamused: