Way too many belves, no?

You must be new lol

To help adjust to something that started back in TBC. If it wasn’t for the BE the Horde population would have been in a worse state than the Alliance Faction is right now.


Considering having only 1 character is like a rare event now … may just be the time you were playing , everyone was on their BE ??

I hate alts and even i have 4-5 characters :frowning:


I am very lucky, I still have actual book stores in my area. Some people truly don’t have any left.


we’ll do a dalaran 2.0 but its the whole of azeroth

I find them to be quite … exotic.

I honestly believe Blizzard gave them very few new customization options because of this. =v

Tauren author worried about steak dinner.


:negative_squared_cross_mark: :negative_squared_cross_mark: :negative_squared_cross_mark: :negative_squared_cross_mark: :negative_squared_cross_mark: :negative_squared_cross_mark:

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At least they got a new shade of black hair that’s actually black.

Now they just need the same for blonde and red hair.

there’s more race than belf in the horde?

Blood Elves like huts what can you say?

You can’t stop sexy buddy

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I agree, the solution to fix this issue is to delete all elves make it happen blizzard :smiley:

I don’t know, but I saw a Tauren monk today and just had to ask…why?

I get the spiritual and peaceful type vibe of it, so I guess that makes sense, and perhaps they would have good strength for punching and stuff, but I dunno, I tend to think of monks as a little more dexterous and graceful?

Them big bulls better not be trying any of them fancy Kung-fu flips!

Now just hold still Mr. Paladin, I’m going to turn on your sarcasm flag. :heart:

-stares with High Elf blue eyes at Male Human Paladin intently… Ala the Care-bear stare.-

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Sounds like we need to move the capital to silvermoon

They tried that in BC, didn’t work . . . I kid you not on the behind the scenes dvd for burning crusade they stated they wanted Silvermoon to be “The Horde’s Ironforge” hence the two auction houses and banks.


He looks great! :seedling:

Nice! :seedling: