Waterworks t8 is almost impossible even for correct ilevel

took about 7 groups tonight to get this to last boss then we wiped and the tank left.
Spent hours trying to get this done and no it wasn’t a skill issue every time.

In the end are mythic raider a team tank (from my guild) came and we double teamed it to the waxworks boss and we wiped and he said it wasn’t worth it and left.

Tank is above 620 ilevel and im at 596 ilevel

This is spost to be solo content??? Im done with this game


That’s nuts, you couldn’t group, or duo the SOLO content? Just want to make sure i understand the problem.

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my understanding is it is suppose to supplement people getting gear which with their hotfix makes it completely pointless as you need equivalent or higher to complete them without bricking.

Coupled with the bugs people are getting from some of the bosses they just killed delves with this hotfix.

I ran 4 waterworks, 2 solo and 2 group. All four there were no problems and no deaths until waxface then the delve got bricked everytime. Too much damage and unavoidable as well, too much health and you can’t heal through any of it.


We had no issues so I don’t know what to say.

Did it 3 times today on 3 DPS toons with 3 different Tanks. All Guild runs with an average iLevel of 590ish.

Scaling across the board is even more screwed than it was before.

That being said, why lie about something so stupid…

The highest ilvl across the entire game is 614 lol


They hotfixed groups so it’s not a cakewalk anymore.

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That’s because the scaling was completely broken when in a group making it trivial. But they have since hotfixed it a few hours ago and now it’s a nightmare, which was apparently what they always intended delves to be, lol.

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They say they reduced damage scaling but they definitely did not. If anything it scaled with the health of the mobs.

its not possable now go give it a try


I did it today on my hunter and it was fine. The nerfs went in within the last few hours, as we cleared one delve on on of my alts, and by the next delve we started getting massacred.


i took a guess sorry
Hes are top A-team tank I dont know his ilevel for sure but its better then mine

Waxface is absolutely broken


The whole delve is broken but yes last boss is crazy and I still have yet to kill him now after the hotfix buff

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Everything about Waterworks is fine … until the last boss, Waxface.

He pulses an AoE that you cannot avoid. You can’t outrange it, you can’t LoS it.

I was i598 at the time and each pulse hit me for about 30% of my health, and it pulses 3 times.

If you’re bad at math, that’s basically your entire health bar. And that was WITH: swapping to D-stance, using SR, AND IgnorePain!!!

So that will get your through ONE pulse.

I used Victory/Impending Rush, and a pot for the next pulse.

But because his health pool is so high, you’d need to survive 5-6 pulses, and you die after just 2. It can’t be done.

Because he also throws out Wax Balls that hit for a good 40% of your health. Sometimes you get lucky and he targets Brann instead, but again, because he does it so often, you won’t get enough RNG to live through it.

And the MOST frustrating thing about it was I had done Tak Rethan right before it at R8 and I basically AFK’d through the whole thing. It was SO EASY!!! lol

And then I went to Waterworks and it was a little bit harder, mostly because of the derpy candle mechanic. But then the last boss???

Utterly impossible.

Real fun going from super super easy, to utterly impossiblem when they’re both R8. gg


You are SUPPOSED to stand in the poison when he does the burnoff aoe, however it doesn’t work well, and you can still take damage randomly.

Legit the only Delve boss I just quit on and said NOPE, unfun, unfair.


No way i just used defensives to tank the unavoidable AoE damage, there is no Journal explaining the Delves mechanics, nothing. Am i supposed to just know i have to stand in the clearly not intuitive “protective” poison pool? After being conditioned to avoid EVERY sus pool in a boss fight ever for like 2 decades?


Even if you stand in the ‘sus’ pool, the mechanic doesn’t work.


I find waxface a snooze solo he has one thing to git gud over.
only day 1 first time was he hard
recommended for t8 is i600 which none of the complainers are btw.

skill issue.
i598 he only does like half my health then I just self heal while brann tanks, hes a chump

An we just spotted the Pally Tank…

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These devs really do not like us enjoying the game.

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