Water Strider Water Walking Passive - Removed

Change rendered pointless. Equip your water equipment at level 20 and it’s the exact same thing.

Move on, no more reason to be mad.

We get an old feature repackaged as a new feature.

People be acting like swimming through some random lake while leveling is such a huge, game breaking thing. I’m happy I can now have water walking on any mount at high level.

Having to pay for something that you once had access to and didnt have to pay for? Yes, that’s a bad thing.


I got mine about 2 months ago.

I went back to grind for my water strider before BfA launched. It took me a few weeks at fishing dailies in Pandaria in order to earn the achievement and be able to purchase the mount.

Now they want to negate my efforts? Blizzard, you have no idea what you are doing. Who’s bright idea was this in the first place?

Leave the water striders alone, I do not want extra equipment for a mount I purposely worked for in order to use it the way it was designed. I have several different mounts setup for use depending upon what I want to do and I do not use the water strider on land…only on water. Why on earth would I want my land mounts to do what the water strider can do?

That is the point of the different perks per mount type. a) land mounts for running on the land; b) flying mounts for flying (most of which look awkward trying to walk, let alone run; and c) water strider to glide over water that land mounts labor to swim through.

I have no interest in extra equipment slots for land mounts to do anything other than what they were designed for. Leave my water strider alone…I worked for it because of its nature and not because it was speedy.


You should speak for yourself! I currently have 7 120’s and use the mount on all of them. People are upset because Blizz is taking away something they worked and paid for. I feel they should leave the Water Strider alone. It won’t stop them from implementing the mount gear. It will only mean people won’t have to buy something that they have already worked and PAID for.


At 1000g gold a pop according to wowhead. Just another gold sink to sell more tokens? to rid us of our gold?

Just leave water strider just like it is, treat it like the golem


The equipment only works for the character on whose mount journal it is slotted.

It’s predicted to cost around 1,000 gold.

I have 100 alts. Getting water-walking back for them might cost 100,000 gold.

So don’t buy all the extra tokens? Your mount will work exactly as before, and for all we know, Waterstriders will probably have them enabled by default.

The PTR isn’t even out yet. Maybe see how it all works out? Crazy, I know.

Then again everything is subject to change, prices adjusted to be reasonably in line with what players can afford.

And no offense but a thousand gold for an account wide unlock is hardly a barrier.

I feel bad for everyone who have alts I would feel robbed.

As always Alt lovers always paying the consequences of a bad implemented idea.


It’s not account wide, it’s per character.

Actually it’s neither as of now.

Wrong. We are losing water walking on the strider. This means if we want water walking at all, we don’t get to use the OTHER mount equipment.

Further, if they ever choose to remove the mount equipment, “IE new expac, that’s legacy equipment and won’t work past level 120,” then we have NO option for water walking.

I honestly don’t remember. When Blizzard put in pathfinder for flying did they try to sell it as a way to avoid having to pay so much gold to fly? Did you all fall for that too? Do you regret it now?


so they are scraping the mount equipment?

This made me lol more than it should have. TY!

Will they give me a free one for all my characters that currently use the Water Strider? No, they will give me one, on the character that earned the rep.
So instead of every one of my characters being able to have a water walking mount, I have to choose one, or buy it for every character I want to have it.
What a great deal, I don’t know why anyone would complain about that!


Lets not forget these will be a crafted item, BFA blacksmithing for example makes the undazeable equipment. What happened to the pylons from Legion? Oh right, those are legacy and don’t work anymore.


No, the changes are literally absent from the game at this very moment seeing as the ptr isn’t even available for testing yet.

You are acting like Wowhead is the be all end all. It’s a helpful source of information but they don’t get to have the final word. To put it simply, the backlash is justified but disgustingly reactionary.

So nothing has changed.