Water Strider Used Too Much?

They 100% will remove these mounts abilities and functionality and then re-release it as “mount equipment” and you’ll have to choose if you want water walking or to sell trash or will have to carry around stacks of each equipment to get the same functionality you had before this system was implemented. Oh and flying will tie into this some how. It’s a further gold sink and way to gate players travel options

It was an example. What if some other item is used this much? Will it be change due to that?

Mounts are 100% optional and just because a lot of people use the same one doesn’t mean it should be changed in some way.

I swear I never thought I would see the day someone said an mount was OP and needed to be nerfed… never…

Edit: typo


Keep water-walking on the Water Strider.

Allow other mounts to use the water-walking equipment.

Problem solved.


Its an example I can’t even reply to because there is no context. We’d have to look at why any other mount is used more often than any other mount.

Seriously, stop trying to convince me it’s okay that I’m losing a mount for no reason other than some Blizzard employees think it’s “used too much”. Lol, how is that a bad thing? Just leave the mount alone and let the people who don’t like it waterwalk with some other mount. How hard is that? Why must you take something I like (and earned fair and square) away in order to enjoy the new mount equipment?


It shouldn’t matter though. People use whatever mount they want because they like that mount for it’s looks or utility.

None of this would be a problem if Blizzard went back to the flying method used in Lich King.


Why water strider is only ever used “too much” in zones where 1. There’s lots of water and 2. No flying. Blizz doesn’t like players circumventing the path they want to to travel on and so are breaking the mount that allowed you to do that


I mean. Not really. You will still have the same functionality available.

While I agree the nerf is ridiculous and is just yet another attack on player convenience, the water strider is easily the most common ground mount you see in the world. If you don’t care about appearance there’s no reason to use anything else. What they should’ve done is treat the water strider like the sky golem and let it keep it’s water walking but not have a mount equipment slot. I feel for the people who have the crimson water strider. That one took some effort to get. The water strider is easily obtainable.


If you forgo any of the other equipment.

Which you don’t have available right not to begin with.

If water walking is your chief concern. You can still have it.

Until they break this system or the equipment used in this system.

Well with that sorta mentality, you are right. Why do anything. They might just break it in the future.

Gotta start my thread getting mad at them removing banks. I know they haven’t. But they might break the system in the future.

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This is another one of those “You think you do” moments.


I know I do. You might think that I’m going to forget about this in 8.2 because flying, but I promise you, I won’t be here for flying if you take away a mount I earned for no good reason, that’s the bottom line.


The whole “water striders are used too much” argument is just a red herring.

Blizzard has learned they can control players’ behaviour by taking away something we want and giving it back on their terms.

  • They removed flying, driving away many players,) and gave us Pathfinder to earn it back to slow down progress and force us to grind reps and play the way they say.
  • They removed portals and put some of them back, all together, to make us congregate in 2 cities, making it look as though there are still many other people playing this game.
  • They’re removing water-walking from striders and making it available as a purchasable item, needed for each character, not player, who wants the ability back. This adds to the gold spent in game, which pressures players into more purchases of tokens, to make up for the income lost through the drop in subs.

Blizzard drives players away.
Blizzard forces players together to make it appear there are still plenty.
Blizzard pushes token sales to replace lost subs.


They should allow the waterstrider to keep the perk, but all future expansions should have their water filled with Strider-eating fish that instantly kill players using the strider to cross them.

They may not remove them this expansion. But this is Blizzard; are they going to put in consumables that mimic mount equipment (barding) for next expansion? Are they going to decide that gliders should be zone or level locked, like they’ve done with other items?

And remember, at least some of the mount equipment is said to be crafted. How often has Blizzard allowed old crafting patterns to remain relevant in current content? When we ding 121 next expansion, are we going to discover that our water walking mounts now sink, or our slow-fall parachutes can’t deploy in the new zones? It wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard added a restriction after the fact.


I agree with what you are saying. And, honestly, I am not overwhelmed by people on Water Striders. In certain areas people use them, but…duh? Isn’t that the whole point of having many mounts?

And even if every single person rode a Water Strider…is that so bad? And if Blizzard really couldn’t stand the aesthetics of that, they could give everyone flying and once again have variety…

I can’t tell if this is Blizzard trying to misdirect player rage to something minor or if the devs are actually so deluded that they get all in a bother over something this insignificant.


No, because that would be adding an intrinsic ability to the other mounts. I have no issue with other mounts having abilities.

And you see…it would have been far simpler to add a universal water walking passive to our mounts, than to create this equipment system. If Blizzard’s actual goal was “we want you to have more variety in your water walking mounts,” creating a class of water walking mounts would have been the easier solution.

But that’s not what they did. They created a system based on equipment and crafted items. And if there’s one thing experience has shown us, it’s that equipment and crafted items become obsolete.

So yes, for the moment we can just “set and forget” our water walking equipment. But there is no guarantee that equipment will still work next expac. There is no guarantee replacement equipment will be put in place.

The devs have been out to remove the water strider’s water walking ability since Legion, allegedly so players have choices, but at the same time they have never introduced water walking on another mount to give those choices. It really is not outrageous to look at the facts and question what their actual goal with this system is, or to wonder how long it’s going to last.


Yeah I don’t understand why they don’t just make more water walking mounts.