Water Strider Discussion

Sounds like you are arguing for the sake of arguing. People are just saying that you’ve never been locked into using the strider as there have always been other options in the game.

People are also saying that there is nothing wrong with the system they are creating so that you can have water walking.

Can you not agree that there is no point in messing with the strider if you are going to get water-walking on any mount you want? Why not leave unique mounts alone, after all, people did spend their time grinding out the rep needed specifically for the uniqueness of the mount.


I admit I am FAR, FAR LESS INTERESTED in waterwalking than I am having no-daze on every non-tank alt I have pre-Legion. Sure after legion I can buy bardings but before that… ugh!

I’d say the difference is that the sky golem is a profession mount, and a somewhat costly (time and materials) one at that. The striders are from a MoP faction and a garrison fishing, respectively.

The golem is being left alone, IMO, because it would crash the market for it overnight. The strider’s functionality is just being shifted from an old means of acquisition to the new.

They better not touch my goblin glider kits or tinker. I use those all the time especially when I can’t fly. Find a hide place and go to my destination. The other methods have problems.
Mage and Priest don’t function like the glider it can’t drive around and the rate of descent is different. DH can direct the flight but descend much faster than the glider. I’ve rarely tested the boomkin but I think it might drop even faster than a DH. I don’t have a Zanda to test it yet.

The term parachute implies the previous generations of slowfall that don’t let you drive where you want to go but just fall slowly in the direction of your momentum. Which is far inferior to a glider kit


Exactly. History shows us this is not how Blizzard operates. If they give us something, they insist on breaking the alternatives so their new system gets enough use to justify the expense.

If they really wanted players to have more mount choice, they would have added a water walking passive to more mounts, but instead they’re destroying the one unique ability the water strider has and replacing it with an external system. Last time they implemented an external system - the rental progression gear on our characters - it was so they could more easily remove abilities. After all, we’re already conditioned that equipment is transient, and crafted gear becomes irrelevant in new content.

Given Blizzard’s track record, the fact that anyone thinks this equipment system is going to allow for permanent abilities, and not turn into another method of ability restriction and removal, is absolutely amazing to me. They simply would not have implemented it this way - a single slot per character, at least partially reliant on crafted items - if they intended for our mounts to keep these abilities indefinitely. They would have put abilities on the mounts, instead.


It’s a rather silly removal tbh. It would be better to treat it as the sky golem and not allow it to get extra buffs. I worked for that mount back in MoP and I do use it quite often but it’s not my go to mount. As a hunter though, I have other viable options for water walking such as the pet strider but other classes do not. I understand their intention to make things more balanced but they should have introduced other water walking mounts instead of nerfing the only one in existence. There’s 0 reason as to why 8.2 doesn’t have another water walking mount as we are literally in the ocean.


My likes have been nerfed for the next several hours, but yeah, this. All of this, but especially the second part.

It’s not fun, looking at patch notes and wondering “what am I going to lose this time?” rather than “what’s being added/improved?”


This is total BS for players…many many of us worked many weeks and months to get these mounts and shouldn’t have it taken away from us…I don’t care we are getting a free WW if we are at level and have already the water Strider mounts…its BS plain and simple.


If they were so concerned about the water striders supposedly being used all the time everywhere (I personally haven’t seen them much and rarely inland), then the most obvious and easiest solution would have been to introduce new and different ones each expansion, especially seeing as how they love to keep putting water everywhere.

Instead of a red bug in WoD, why didn’t they introduce a totally different animal? Legion and BfA could have also added water mounts - and they could have done 2 or 3 not just 1. Could be water creature that is normally underwater but would look ok gliding across surface.

Some ideas just for fun:
Duck (always see requests for this), Swan, Manta Ray (more gliding than walking), Water Spider, Platypus (just because I think it’s cute), some made up animals also would work just fine

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Not sure I like this equipment ‘attached to character’ business.

At least give us 2 options we can change in a rested area or something (kinda like a talent) so were not buying and replacing all the time.

They don’t want us to have more options, they want us to have less. Why let us do it for free when they can make us pay for what we already have again and again


After the first “free” set (that you will ONLY get on the toon you leveled that rep on), if we ever swap it out for another trait (like anti-daze) we have to BUY another set! Pay attention.
“Oh, but it’s at the discounted price, you lucky devil!

NO! I have never had to pay for water walking on my flipping water strider

The herbing mount isn’t being touched. Why isn’t the water strider being treated the same? Both mounts have unique abilities that players actively use. The herbing mount also flies but won’t be given the slots for water walking or whatever else they want us to have to buy. Why isn’t the water strider not being given that?
Taking away the unique ability of the water strider regardless of other things being given is STILL TAKING AWAY.

Make a vendor for all the cutesy abilities to affect all your mounts. Swap them out as needed for your 9000 mounts. Leave the herbing and WW mount alone, let them keep their unique abilities. Everyone has the best of both worlds. The people with the strider keep their water walking mount and can use it at will, or buy the boots (at the greatly discounted price!) to put on all their mounts. The people who don’t have the water strider will be able to buy their water wings (cause you know why not make them look like water wings…devs are missing a great opportunity here) and everyone will be happy.


I hope this isn’t another “gold sink”.

If so, I’d rather have the current water strider (not losing the baseline water walk ability).

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Yeah. first it was flying. then portals. now water striding. I’m guessing hearth stones will be next. Gotta string out travel time as long as possible


Just imagine how big the world will feel if hearthstones are gone.


Repeat every single above opinion that does not want the water strider to loose it’s abilities and paste it below into this post.

Yada yada NO…nice try leave that poor water strider alone you monsters!!


Not sure if this was already suggested, but why not have the mount equipment apply to the mount, and not the character. That way it would be account wide, as it is now, and preserve the strider for those who want it.

People who fished for hours and listened to every single one of Nat Pagle’s boring “one that got away” stories would keep their water strider, people who want a different water walker can pick another mount for the job, and then people could buy upgrades for other mounts, and have a specific job for each one. It might just get a few more of my ponies dusted off and out of the stables.

For those of use who are alt-o-holics and really don’t care for endgamey things, having to grind for each character is terrifying.


Yeah that’s ecactly the part that worries me. When I get flying, I won’t need water walking. When I can’t fly, I’ll need it. I suppose it depends on said cost but knowing them, it’ll be ridiculous.

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Maybe they want us to use gold for every alt we have…

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That’s for people who took their time to get the waterwalking mount before this change :slight_smile: