Water Strider Discussion

Not completely. And not without giving something else up to get an inferior version back.


Do you still have that skill and class mount? Did Blizzard take it from you and make you buy it back? Well the time work and gold I put in to a mount is being taken from me. Is my time worthless compared to every one else.? Yea sure I will still have a replacement mount, but it canā€™t do the same thing when i bought it. I already had regular ground mounts, I would have never bought it as a regular mount

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I guess this guy skipped the 20 or 30 so posts above that explains no one is asking for water walking AND a m ount equipment slot.

I guess he also missed all th posts showing that as a Blood DK I can have every single available mount equipment perk and its not OP. All 5 perks is Not OP. Yet somehow, if people actually did ask for it, 2 would be OP?


Well our class mount used to be able to water walk and now it canā€™tā€¦ Soā€¦

And only because Iā€™ll never buy water walking mount equipment.

Which is pretty much exactly what Ion / Blizzard intended with this change.

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No. The discussion is about the removal of a mountā€™s ability that is being replaced by an inferior version thatā€™s disposable and has a price attached. That price in inconsequential.


Weā€™re not asking for this. What we are asking for is that they leave the water striderā€™s water walking ability alone, and exempt it from using equipment, just like theyā€™re doing with the sky golem.


That was a glyph, not an attribute of the class mount.

They tried to quietly remove Warlockā€™s [Water Breathing] ability too, but were apparently dissuaded or forgot.

LOL I guess I will never get tired of debinking this ā€œstrawmanā€ (did I use that correctly) argument.

They have NO valid reason to force the change on the strider except to lie or simply say I want to break it.


Yet another example of needless pruning that has happened in this game. In my opinion, they should have left that ability intact, and not gotten rid of it.


And all of the current and, most likely, upcoming swimming mounts.

Iā€™m with your cat! I love the noises the water strider makes! It is sad that they are ruining that mount all because they are catering to people who donā€™t want to earn stuff. :disappointed_relieved:


Now that I think about itā€¦ maybe thatā€™s part of the reason Ion/etc hate water striders. They put in all these swimming mounts, but theyā€™re so much slower than water walking that people prefer not to use them.

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Just had a thought. What if:

Changing your mount equipment could be built into a macro?

The closest thing people have to an argument is it will take time to change the ā€œgemā€ vs just mounting a different mount (strider).

If it is able to be macroā€™d to add gem and mount, they would lose even that :smiley:

Given that the crafted mount equipment types are likely going to cost around 1000g, probably not something you want to be swapping out frequently.

ETA: Also I think like gems/gear you canā€™t meddle with it while in combat. It also seems to take a strangely long time to acknowledge that youā€™ve slotted something.

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True, but I was more looking at excuses to force the strider to change. If it COULD be macroā€™d the only argument they would have left is we want this to be a gold sink vs ā€œits fun and engagingā€ gameplay they argue now

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They are only removing 1 mounts ability. Just one. and leaving all other mounts alone. This mount equipment is nothing more than a reason to kill the water strider. Everything the mount equipment is offering is already in game.


I will be able to make them all with alts, I will never post one under 5k gold and I hope that no one else will either.

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I was unaware the Sky Golem would be unaffected. The argument is sound in that context, if the Sky Golem gets to maintain itā€™s unique effect while being immune to mount equipment, the Water Strider should be afforded the same privilege as long as it is also immune to mount equipment.

Again, my reply was to the OP. Moving forward I think thereā€™s a way I can show that in my post because thereā€™s no way im going through 5.5K posts to get an understanding of where the convo has shifted to.

So to reiterate my stance, im all for the Water Strider maintaining itā€™s unique effect for free as long as it follows the same parameters as the Sky Golem and is unaffected by mount equipment. I do not support the Water Strider maintaining its effect while also gaining a benefit of mount equipment as that is far too powerful.


Youā€™re kidding yourself though. The market will flood and the prices will drop. The problem is, how much and will it get to the point where the trade picks up and blizz says its a success. :confused:

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