Water Strider Discussion

Not according to the updated OP.

And here is my take on why all of those level 100+ characters are receiving them free. That won’t make it live, you can bet on it.

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Whatever happens in the final build, it’s setting a bad precedent to just nerf a mount and QoL ability that a lot of people worked for and replace it with something objectively worse for not only the people who have it now, but anyone who might decide they want it in the future.

And that’s assuming that they don’t just announce that there will be no further “mount equipment” in 9.0 and current equipment won’t work past 120. Or just won’t work anymore at all, period.

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This will either happen or they will add it to pathfinder to slow use even more.

I expect the pathfinder route where we will get mount equipment in 9.2 and Flying in 9.3.


We’re just renting these pixels.

And Blizzard is doing everything in its power to remind us of that.

Yep. They can’t take mounts away, people would revolt. But they sure can take every thing that makes them special away


You are making an assumption that people who want the strider to retain its water walking ability as being afraid of change, which is a false assumption.

If you had properly read the posts in this thread, it has zero to do with change and a lot to do with devaluing special mounts.

You are probably correct here, there isn’t much we can do to affect the outcome, but we can try to get Blizzard to see our side of both issues.

We, like you, are paying customers and it does not hurt for paying customers to let the companies they do business with know when they are dissatisfied with decisions companies make. We can hope that at some point the company will listen to our concerns and ensure that the work we put in for special mounts/items is not wasted.


That assumption is quite correct, sadly. People are creatures of habit; gamers moreso, with a dash of OCD on top. Portals are the prime example, where a minute or two of extra travel time has been placed on par with the worst atrocities that mankind that has inflicted upon one another.

Y’all will get used to it, and forget all about this in 3 months.

It’s not the fact that I’m am afraid of change, It’s the fact that they only thing they are changing with this system is the mount I put the time and work into getting.

Every thing they are adding with this mount equipment is already in the game. They only mount they are changing is the water strider. they are not taking any thing from any other mount, Just one is all they are changing.

They only thing this mount equipment is doing is breaking the water walking ability of the strider.


You seriously smacked that nail right on the head here.


I plan to use my bugs when on the ground exclusively after this. And maybe I’ll use only my flying bug(s) once 8.2 hits.


If they keep doing bonehead things like this pretty soon they won’t have anyone left to remind.


Talk about “immersion breaking”. It’s the kind of thing that makes me question just how much longer I’ll be playing this game.


Not likely. I have a serious burning hatred for flight paths now thanks to awful BFA design.

And in 3 months? I wonder if they’ll even have the caverns of time portal installed by then… We’re almost halfway there already, what’s taking so long?

Oh right, blizzard apparently just wants to throttle people who do legacy content, and that fluff about Immersion and “world feels larger” was just a bunch of Illogical nonsense.


This whole controversy makes me hate the community. It’s telling that the biggest controversy we’ve seen in months is that the ****ing water strider will still be able to walk on water.

Thanks for helping keep the thread alive.


No. No I I will not. I have been increasingly frustrated with each new change they make to the conveniences of the game and the fun aspect all the while telling us ridiculous reasons for such changes.
This thread has talked about the straw that broke the camel’s back and death by a thousand cuts…
From a full year before being able to fly to taking away the innate ability of a mount I worked for in both time and gold specifically for that ability… my final straw and thousandth cut is quickly approaching.


In three months I will be forgetting about WoW and playing whatever I’ve found to be fun. Maybe City of Heroes, maybe when my Legend of Mana gets in I’ll play that.


Who’s talking about gear? What does “casual” have to do with anything?

Basically you’re saying…

“I have nothing to rebut what you said so I’m going to attack you and call you names with no knowledge of how you play the game because reasons”.

Well, okay. I’ll let you. You go, Boy! :grin::heart_eyes_cat::tada:


Except that it’s not.

Change is often good for the game… When it makes sense. When there’s a reason for it. When it improves on some old system that doesn’t really work anymore.

Please explain to me how changing the Strider’s basic functionality does any of this.

We’re not talking about equipment in general… No one here has a problem with the equipment. Adding it is probably a good thing.

We’re talking about the change to the Striders alone… A change that isn’t happening to any other “unique” or “specialty function” type mount.

Equipment good.
Changing things for no reason other than “the sake of change” or “reasons” bad.