Water Strider Discussion

Things change, Deal with it.

Reminds me of how I started, I tried several trial accounts (capped at 20) before finally subscribing with one. Mounting at 20 is pretty different though (not to mention the chauffeur at 1) as my trial characters had to walk everywhere. My tauren had difficulties swimming past Stormwind, I think a fishing trainer jumped her.

Thanks for another obsolete/troll comment.

Iā€™ve already dealt with it- I am here playing the game. Maybe you should too- instead of QQā€™ing

The double standard is strong with this one.


As your alt or kindred spirit would say: ā€œwhataboutismā€

How are these things even remotely linked?

You had water walking available on hundreds of mounts already, by using potions. And after the initial thrill of mount equipment wears off, and all non-tanks switch en-mass to no-daze, and tanks switch to the speed buffā€¦ Most everyone will simply be using potions to water walk anyway.

The only logical reason for this change is to force us to use more inconvenient and temporary consumables, so they can phase them out when this expansion ends and replace them with the same or inferior versions next expansion.

Itā€™s about destroying a quality of life perk and replacing it with busy work, and cost in both gold and precious bag space.

And has zip zilch nada to do with to people being tired of looking at the water striders.


This is sad. Blizzard intentionally running off the very people that have passion for the game as a whole, not just the one or two things they like.

Iā€™m hoping blizz comes to their senses, but I highly doubt it. Have fun Jops in any new adventures you seek.


By the sound of your post about epic gear, youā€™re the one QQā€™ing.

So, youā€™re ok with the state of the game? Be it raining epic gear to those who do not do the progressively more difficult content, the loss of PVP vendors, the stripping of unique mount abilities, or removal of ingame features that make the game enjoyable to players?

I dislike what the current developers are doing to this game.

I think it does new players a disservice to get epic gear that they did not work for. I also think it breeds a very negativity within the community that wouldnā€™t be there had the developers not done this.

I think it is insulting to PVP players to say that vendors were removed because PVP players are too stupid to find them.

I think it is disrespectful to those who work hard to earn a special mount to take the special ability away from it.

When the community does not stick together on these types of issues then there is not any incentive for the game developers to make a game that their customers enjoy.


I will miss you, Jops.
Your posts were always saying what I felt also.
Good luck with whatever life brings you.


Yep, can potion, use barding, and then have slow fall mount equipment for an undazable, waterwalking, slow falling mount.

QoL improvements, but ultimately just implemented horribly.
Nothing different to those original items expect for duration really.

Honestly (and donā€™t take this out of context, I love Classic) itā€™s Classic WoW implementation of a system but in BfA.
It just doesnā€™t line up with the current game and how itā€™s systems interact.

Your Tauren was having difficulties swimming past Stormwind why now? lol
I think thatā€™s probably the first time Iā€™ve ever heard that sentence in my life, and probably the last lol.

This what Iā€™m getting at. Why do we have to pay for the same equivalent that we already have when applying the same equipment.

It will take more bag space have all the abilities ,and constantly changing,in our bags,which would make venturing even more difficult with constantly emptying our bags of junk.

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Yeah. Still not sure why itā€™s not just a ā€œclick from a list of unlocked attributesā€ thing in the collections tab.
Seems way more BfA, and also differentiates itself from the current item system.

I really donā€™t think they thought this out very well.

One more time for the people in back. Everyone has a stake in this, whether you have a Strider or not. The alternative is that they just keep chipping away at all the little things people love about this game until thereā€™s nothing left.

A lot of people did their grind for this, they donā€™t deserve to have it taken away.


I hope youā€™ll still come to the forums because we do need your experience input on the most pressing matters this game has.


I want elite gladiator transmog. I feel like Iā€™m equipping the wrong transmog without it . wink wink

So sorry to hear you must leave; if you land in a new world, let us know where.
In the meantime, think on us, and remember dear Azeroth as she was, when this game was for gamers.
too sad to flip or sip or even ā€¦whatever


Thanks for all the well wishes! Itā€™ll be a while before my sub finally runs out so Iā€™ll be popping back in to see if 8.2 actually improves the travel/play imbalance enough. And Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll still be raging on the forums for some time yet. :wink:


Lol so fun seeing people raging XD, i on the other hand donā€™t mind to have to equip water walking. Its mean i can ride on water in style with my Warlord Deathwheel and Champion Threadblade (my favorites ground mount) instead of ridding an ugly bug (i am not a bug person) and yes i have a water strider and did the rep.

Canā€™t add anything to this but: :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: