Keep the water strider passive. Don’t let it stack with other mount gears.
Let everyone, water strider or not, use the water walk equipment if they want to. Maybe I don’t want to use my bug for a bit and want to “transmog” my water walker.
Literally everyone could be happy, nobody has to lose here.
Blizzard nerfing the water strider is causing friction where there does not need to be.
So we’re just talking about this one SPECIFIC part of the change, not the mount equipment system as a whole?
Then I agree. The waterstrider losing walterwalking IS a nerf if you ignore the benefits that the rest of this system is providing.
I’m honestly amazed that so many people assumed they’d be able to keep water walk + add anti-daze equipment. Did you really believe they would give us that?
Kinda odd for them to spit in the faces of those who worked for WW only to give it to everyone for nothing. Kinda odd, makes me wonder what mount they’ll target next. Gonna be weary to work for anything anymore
I mean the best solution would just have been to not have the water strider be able to apply equipment.
No other change would be necessary.
All this is doing is creating a problem that didn’t exist, and using an unnecessary solution to solve it.
Traveling isn’t content. And if I’ve traveled something 82764829 times already, the chances of me smelling the roses is practically nonexistent at that point. How about Blizz lets us play the game how we want instead of them trying to tell us how to play.
Why not - people earned that water walking ability and their water walker can currently water walk and use a barding.
Like many changes Blizzard makes, the system overall has benefits, but they’re opting to include negatives where none are needed. I’m not sure why they were fine with opting the sky golem out of the equipment system and letting it keep its current ability, but couldn’t do the same for the water strider.
The reasoning seems to be “if players have to choose, they’ll opt for a different ability and still be ‘forced’ to use the water strider,” but frankly I think players should be allowed to make the choice between using the strider for water and another ability on other mounts, using any mount for water walking, or keeping a stack of items in their bags and swapping at will.
Blizzard talks about wanting us to make meaningful choices, but seems very reluctant to actually give us things and then leave the choice up to the players.
Agreed. This is why most people do Dungeons, Raids, or PvP. Most of those activities don’t require excessive travel other than getting to your initial destination.
I’m just glad we’ll be having more mount variety.
I don’t think anyone is asking for the other benefits to be ignored or we don’t see how it Could benefits us on other mounts.
I’m specifically asking that they not make me pay more gold for water walking when I had a mount that could prior to the nerf.
To put it on a different mount? Understandable and would be 100% willing to shell out that gold for it.
It should be optional-- not forced.
My last response to this thread after his edit to the main post.
I should not have to pay for something I already have and earned. A one time consumable item that effects one character is not a consolation it’s an insult.
I’m with others who said leave waterwalking for the strider and that’s all it can get. No additional perks.
Unless they intend to mail the water walking equipment for free to every toon rolled on an account that already has a water strider.
At which point, I suppose we’d have people complaining that they’re forced to use the water walking equipment on all their alts, because the alternatives cost money, and Blizzard would take our consolation prize away from us, as well.
Barding is not a permanent buff to our mount, and the cost of buying one deters players from using it all the time. This mount armor sounds like a perk system that lets us choose how we wish to permanently equip our mount.
Not t hat I’m against having two perks at one, but there’s just no way they were going to let us have two powers activated at the same time. I’d love to have a mount that water walks and is immune to daze, but there’s no way they’d give it to us 
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I’m fine with that. That’s how it should be, I agree.
Screw off with the reputation locking already. Like darn man.
At the cost of not being able to choose the undaze/parachute. We can’t keep what we already had if we want the other things. “But that’s your choice!” Or. Sky Golem treatment. Do I want my horse to walk on water, or do I want to keep using my bug with my horse being undazeable (but the bug can be dazed away)?
Missed opportunity. They should have buffed other mounts. Some mounts are daze free. Some
Mounts can jump extra far. Some can glide. Some are super fast but prone to daze . Some let you mine. Some let you use as an anvil. Some can stealth. Oh well.
It is not a compromise either. That is wrong to yank something players earned already.