Water Strider Discussion

~grabs doughnut~ Why thank you.

As for all you Crimson Water Strider Lovers… you have failed! How can you move through Blizzard society when you don’t even have the sense to portray your opinions in the accepted manner?!?

It’s: “I can’t ever see myself riding the Azure one. I love my Crimson Strider. It’s the only one that is worth riding. Remove the Azure one. It’s useless and ugly and I don’t like seeing them!”

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After that I feel insulted and embarrassed as well reviewing the thread it now a joking matter .I will not be coming back to this thread again.

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/me breaks out the polish, thinking that’s close, but not all the way there …

Male Human Paladin decrees: “The Azure Water Strider is the only acceptable mode of water walking. The Crimson Water Strider is a complete slap in the face from Blizzard. That abomination must be purged!”

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IMO: Once you have a flying mount, all of your mounts should be able to fly. Once you unlock the water strider, all of your mounts should be able to walk on water.

This proposed change, on the other hand, removes a collectible from the game, and insults anyone who wasted their time unlocking it previously.


Well, we keep the mount… not the ability. Perhaps it’d be more on target to say:

This pending change, removes the special ability of these mounts, and rips off anyone who made the effort to acquire them with the reasonable expectation that its account-wide utility was permanent.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 13 days.

Ok, looks good.

Please don’t take away what we find so much fun.
Of it takes a few to change mounts, ok so? I mean fun is fun and you guys are taking away something that is fun.


Might as well post when the post isn’t lock.
Don’t know personnaly why they didn’t go the special mounts route for the water strider. Simply make waterstrider not work with equipments. Great success.


Or, make a boat or other water mounts as suggested. So many great ideas in here that won’t be used. ._.


Tip for hunters, that don’t mind playing BM:

Grab a water strider pet. According to at least one PTR tester, their Surface Trot ability still works perfectly fine.

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Blizzard doesn’t want you to use shortcuts. You will need “new” equipment in the new expansion thereby slowing the game down.

Someone mentioned coding issue if they leave the strider alone. They are leaving the sky golem alone so there is no coding issue.

I want the strider left alone.


And its very clear that this is the reason too. That’s why the change is being made and its a bad change.


Blizzard added Pathfinder because they wanted us to experience and appreciate all the time and hard work they put in developing the expansions they put out. Yet when we put in time and work to get something they worked so hard putting in the game they just take it away for no reason at all. Just exempt my water strider from the mount equipment and “appreciate” our time and work we put into your game.




I hadn’t even thought of that, to be honest. Why should we care about their hard work when they couldn’t care less about ours?

Very well said, Kind Sir!


They take the function away from the Water Strider probably because their data was showing too many people using it and not the variety of mounts they include within the game.

Kind of ironic they put this change in place though. There’s some people in this game that would “look how many people are using the Water Strider it’s a huge success! Blizzard sees it as a success!”

But nope, apparently not. Apparently we get mount equipment because so many people playing with the Water Strider mount not because it was popular, but because they felt the waterwalk perk too good to give up.

It’s just funny how Blizzard interpreted the data this way.


Until “too many hunters are feeling forced to use water strider pets for their utility” and “omg all I see are hunters with those stupid bugs”, and then that’ll get nuked, too.


People have said that only 51% of players even have the MoP strider, and the WoD one was even more annoying to get, so I find claims that “too many people were using it” and “all I see are water striders” to be questionable, at best. Particularly when I seldom see water striders in game unless people are actively crossing water on them.


You find those claims questionable, but we see that water-walking is being removed from Waterstrider, can you think of any other particular reasons for why that is?

Yea, the water strider is so OP that we have to take it away and give it to all mounts. Can’t have something so OP in the game. That and we are just not using the water strider right, how dare we use it to walk on water.