Watching the dev classic trailer

It certainly is.

The idea that the overwhelming majority is planning on switching over to classic is utter dreck. Totally false.

The most dedicated classic fan I know, indeed of that ilk, quit the game and decided to wait offline for classic to come back because they took away powerleveling.

Look in the mirror. Making claims about the skill levels of people you’ve never met is inherently false.

People who feel the need to scream and yell about strangers they don’t know anything about are wrong.


I feel it’s an easy guess on whether or not retail people would enjoy classic compared to classic people. They’re right, and they’re rude about it, but they’re right. That comes with a cost of people not liking them, though.

But if you’re aiming for the “rude people are always wrong because they’re rude”, I dunno, that feels too emotionally driven.

Just watched it. Damn, man. That made me a little emotional. And actually excited for Classic. I honestly haven’t been too fussed about it up until now. No more than just a little curious. Seeing some of those old things like the talent tree, or the difficult trek down to the deadmines entrance. I want to experience that again! Maybe it’s just going to scratch a nostalgic itch, or maybe it will really grab me again, like it did 15 years ago.

Oh gold, I’m so old!


You’d rather go on your emotions than on facts. I get that.

The people I know who are planning on playing classic hard are good players. I also know good players who are not planning on playing, as well as some who left and plan to come back for classic, and others who have given up on the game and don’t plan on coming back ever.

The idea that classic will be a perpetual success is preposterous. People who are planning on playing it are expecting to ramrod to max level, hardly how it was played when vanilla was the thing.

There is no journey. The journey has been over for 14 years.

The “community”? Most of the people who present themselves to us as classic fans seem to have no social skills.

I have lots of things to do in the game. There are mounts and transmog to collect, and gold to be earned. I have no intention of wasting my time on anything that would take away from that, especially given I’d have to play some class I have no interest in playing.


Okay, I see where this is going. Enjoy the game though!

Link to your source that tells you that most of the people who are planning on switching to classic are bad players who will never learn how to play a simple 2 button rotation.

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All I could think of when watching that was Steve Carell discussing his sex life in 40 year old virgin at the card table.

No Jeff, it isn’t anything like a bag of sand.

Maybe they haven’t played in a long while but the world didn’t go anywhere. The world is just as amazing as it’s always been. I’d argue the world is one of the only good things about BFA.

It’s the community that brought the world to life that vanished in some sharding accident.


Pulling 1-2 mobs at a time and auto attacking them down isn’t hard. Being in dungeons for hours isn’t hard. The only “hard” thing about classic is getting 40 people online at the same time to do a raid that has basically no mechanics.


Darling, I never said it was hard…dear I said they dumb it down and its true…I find it really amusing how offended kids get who never played it

When your entire intent is to troll and make others feel bad, then you are in the wrong.

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Clarification: It’s wrong to troll others to make them feel bad, but if they’re talking about something that’s true, it’s an unavoidable fact.

sometimes people should feel bad

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This. Life is nothing without balance. Our perceptions would have a great shock if all things currently considered evil were removed from the world. For a shoddy example, look at the WoD timeline.

You’re obviously trying to say it’s hard right here. But nice attempt at trolling.


No, its harder than what he thinks it is and in about a weeks time the rose colored glasses will come off and many will complain about classic. Its a different game from a different time.

Yes they will. Not because it’s hard though. It’ll be because it’s monotonous and boring.


Darling, I never said it was hard. It is not easier than retail and he is in for a rude awakening if he thinks that.

Some people feel monotony, poor tuning, and RNG resists/misses make things “difficult”. I mean, I guess in a way it is, but it’s not a good difficulty.


Leveling wise it’s about the same, the only difference is it takes a lot longer in classic because you can only pull 1 or 2 mobs at a time. That’s not more difficult, it’s more monotonous. End game wise it is definitely way easier than current. There are nowhere near the mechanics in classic that there are in current.

Lets be real here. Most of these people aren’t talking about unavoidable fact. If people just wanted to talk up Classic? Have at it.

But for some reason they are so insecure they have to aggressively spend most of their time bashing other activities people enjoy. For no other reason than to make sure others are aware they dislike those activities.

I agree. Sorta like when they make statements of “You don’t have that many abilities”.