Watcher of the Huntress Pet Not Being Delivered?

Mine also has not been delivered.

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Same here nothing else to add. I keep checking though.

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Same here too.

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I noticed when I hit “redeem” on Twitch, it takes me to the EU Blizzard site for some reason. Not sure if that might be part of the problem.

(No VPN active, IP check shows I’m on my ISP’s IP)


Same here. I redeemed mine with the code from twitch directly in the blizzard launcher, and it said it went through- but still no sign of the owl in game.


Same happened to me and my daughter. Hoping its just cause of the number of people claiming it. Might need to just wait till tomorrow for it to show up.


Any solution on this? Redeemed code maybe an hour ago, not received.

Same here, it’s been over an hour. Fully logged out and restarted the bnet launcher and everything

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I am also having this issue. Twitch says that the gift is not claimed, but using the code in my account as suggested ends up with and error saying its already been claimed. THere is no pet in my pet tab.


Same issue. Redeemed code. No pet. Can’t redeem code again.

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Any updates about this?

Just adding that I’m in the same boat. Pet don’t even show up as uncollected in my collection tab.


I also redeemed the code via the launcher and did not receive the pet in-game


Wondering if the pet is actually set up to be released with tomorrow’s reset… :thinking:


also haven’t received yet.


Was lead here by google trying to figure out if others were also not receiving their pet. Seems I am not the only one. Tried what everyone else did also - logged completely out and even relogged bnet launcher and still no pet in game.


Same here.
Redeemed the code - said it worked - no pet as of yet. I completely closed game, logged back in - still nothing. I got the mount as soon as I logged in but not the pet… Maybe it takes awhile to transition the code and appear in game…

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I just got the mount… Got it instantly after claiming it. Still no pet.


Still no pet for me either - claimed in my account hours ago, did the whole log out completely and back in again, checked on multiple characters as the mount didnt notify me until I logged into my third character that there was something new to open. No pet to ‘unwrap’, nothing in mail, etc. I submitted a missing item ticket a few minutes ago requesting someone review, so we’ll see 24 hours from now what they come back with as a response.

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I opened a ticket because I haven’t gotten either the pet or the mount yet. I claimed the pet 5 minutes after it was available and the mount as soon as the 4 hours was up. So we’re up to 6 hours waiting for the pet and 2 hours for mount.

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