Did the 2-sub Twitch promo, got the redemption code and redeemed it in the Bnet client.
The pet isn’t showing up in game though and relogging did nothing.
Anyone get this pet to show up?
Did the 2-sub Twitch promo, got the redemption code and redeemed it in the Bnet client.
The pet isn’t showing up in game though and relogging did nothing.
Anyone get this pet to show up?
Same here - have not received yet. Gifted and claimed code about 20 mins ago.
Pet shows, but the redemption code does not work
I was able to redeem the code but I don’t see the pet.
I have redeemed it but I don’t see it yet
Same issue on my end. Received code and claimed it but nothing in pet list
Yep claimed mine with the code …claim went though no pet though and I have fully logged all the way out of game and Bnet app too…checked my CU and I have been billed for it…
Same just occurred to me! I even checked in the “Gift Claims” tab of the account’s “Transaction History” section, and it doesn’t even appear there.
Still no pet. Glad to know i’m not the only one here.
Just Check my Twitch page and it still says I haven’t redeemed the Pet…when I tried earlier using their page it wouldn’t work so I had to log over too my bnet account and redeem it there and it went though…and said its claimed but Twitch is still saying I haven’t redeemed it.
I am going to try and redeem it again on my WoW account page and see what happens…
Edit…I just tried and WoW page says I claimed that code…still no pet though.
I’m also missing the pet. Good to know I’m not the only one, but I hope they fix this soon.
Logged fully out again and nothing is showing up …sigh…
Yeah this isn’t cool. It’s one thing for their to be lag when Twitch is sending the whole “drop completed” thing over to Blizzard, but it’s another when a code is actually redeemed directly to bnet and nothing happens.
I couldn’t redeem though Twitch I had to redeem though my Bnet account…still no pet yet last time I look bout an hour ago .
Moved to bug report.
Same here redeemed says I got it but nothing in game shows it
Same, redeemed and nothing yet
In game, I don’t even see the pet as existing in the game when looking at uncollected pets
Redeemed it in the last two hours, has yet to show up in my gifts or pets.
Mine has also not shown up yet. Claimed etc but yeah sadly waiting.