Watched Venrukis Latest Arena Video

Yeah, it was like a year long process with permanent ptr as well as three full several-month-long live iterations in addition to blue posted weekend events for feedback.

It wasn’t something that they came up with in an afternoon.

This is why it’s always so amusing to me to see the “just make it one round!” Comments, because that’s what they tried first and it was almost universally hated.

People literally don’t know what they don’t know.

This should absolutely be what the existing LFG is for arena, though. Both should exist IMO

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No, it began all the way back in wrath when they introduced the dungeon system.

When they started eroding server identities, that’s when the game started it’s slow descent into suck.

Then they picked the wrong genre and made everyone else pay for it.

Do you really think, that game would still exist without those changes?

The genre you are looking for is dead! You are missing the old times, not the old game!

soloq did ruin the game. Make solo shuffle like league solo/duo where you can que with a buddy and it’d be better. I can’t stand healing solo shuffles when i’m stuck with 4 dps who chase behind pillars at 20% health with no defensives.

The idea of soloq is, that everybody is playing LFG!

Duo queue is not realistic. P

well as a healer, solo shuffle is garbage. I get no enjoyment out of healing it. Beside the fact that MMR is terrible for healers, healers get no enjoyment out of having to play a whole different game than anyone else, dealing with some of these dps. If i was able to que up with a dps buddy, i’d 100% que SS more.

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Wrath was at its peak when dungeon que system was added.

When people don’t have consequences for their actions (being a troll, toxic, ninja looter, etc) then the player pool begins to turn into a cesspool.

Before dungeon ques you had to find people on your server to do dungeons with, but if you’re a known toxic entity then you had a bad time, rightfully so, because the server knew your name.

Once that server identity eroded away so did the natural protection from toxic communities

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We had the peak in Cata if I remember correctly.

But doesn’t matter. We were talking about arena participation, not when the game became more toxic.

The interesting thing is that every solution for you is to win titles in modalities that don’t make sense, or to win things easily. What caused the problem in 3s was the shuffling. You asked for it, now enjoy it.

Then your memory has failed you

See the sharp decline in cata?

It’s a direct correlation.

In what world is instant queue a bad thing?

Warmode? Sure I’ll fly around an empty world and maybe bump into a 4 stack on discord and get farmed.

I’d love to, if the queue would pop.

I’m not saying specifically instant being bad, but that requires participation


I seem to find fights just fine

Blizz has done a pretty poor job in enabling the community to help the community, it would be nice if popular streamers / successful pvpers were able to make their own lobbies and just coach gameplay. Wargames are sort of like this but I’m talking more like the spectator mode where you make a group of 6-20 players hop into a custom lobby and just cycle through rounds while everyone not playing just observes.

Sure it wouldn’t be the most popular thing, but that’s because the majority of players don’t care about anything but gogogo, the minority who do care are the future of organized play, whether you’re talking elite raiding, future awc, or titles in m+. It would be nice if blizzard catered to the minority and gave them tools to actually improve the upper level of play, even if the majority shoot all over it because “IT DOESNT GIVE MA REWURDS!”

Community events are pretty big in classic (hardcore especially) but that’s because there’s nothing ranked to do and the open world is better than instanced pvp. Its clear that high ranked streamers help the pvp population grow more than anything else, blizzard is disservicing the future of their game by not giving them more accessibility to reach out to their followers.

Like imagine if people could run a lobby where they are a “GM” and can manually timestop, communicate with all 6 players in the lobby then unpause time. Again the majority wont care to do something because the lack of rating, but it would a useful tool for the people with hundreds/thousands of viewers to play around with for their followers.


How do people think that having 1 round instead of 6 will keep que times just as long??? How does that match???

You cannot have a duo queue mode in wow because ir devolves into endless boosting (just look at blitz)

And no, your excuse of “if i cant queue with my buddy I wont queue” wont hold any water because we are litwrally seeing what duo queue is doing to blitz

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What’s that

His imaginary brain rot coming in