Watched Venrukis Latest Arena Video

You get a single boost simply buying the xpac. Took 4 hours to get from 70 to 80.

This game is not a lobby game and turning it into a lobby game is what killed it. Nothing else


I disagree.

Leaning into accessibility is the only salvation for pvp. Leave long-term investment to the pve community.

You wont let this go will you.

Go grab a guy off the street. Sit him down with a fresh account and see how long it takes him to be able to access level 80 wow pvp.

And even IF it only takes 4 hours? Thats 4 hours doing something that isn’t arena. And this still doesn’t address gearing or knowledge catchup.

The barrier is too high. I’m done with you.

Yes because your point is restarted.

The actual barrier for entry is nothing. Literally nothing.

That’s 4 hours learning the basics of your own class and the classes of others.

That’s good, go find another game to ruin. This isn’t a lobby game, removing the social interaction in everything is what has ruined this game, not help it.

Only thing soloque has done is emboldened the toxic little griefers who couldn’t make friends to do rbgs, arenas, and even dungeons.

Accessibility is fine just how it is.

Never said lobby game.
The barrier is too high.
Lack of socials ruined this game.
Things are not fine as they are.
Going all in on accessibility provides a bigger pool of players, which means more enthusiasts.
Egregious as you are to try and communicate to you are still someone I can share this hobby with.

Why wouldn’t the friends of your little toxic griefers try 2s or 3s or 5s or rated bgs?
This Current system is not working.
Accessibility is the answer.

Also you can’t just ‘pick up’ wow pvp the way you could halo or something. There’s way too much complexity and very little of it telegraphed or documented.

Wow arenas don’t need to be halo. They don’t need to be a lobby game, whatever that is. They need to be accessible and balanced. Currently they are neither.

Did it? Seems like people are just angry about shuff all the time.



Bad suggestions altogether.

The feedback is winning or losing at first and then you get to know the gamemodes

You have nothing to add here beGONE

I will always LAUGHZ AT someone like you who believes the entire system is wromg and needs to be brought down.

-Pvp gearing is the best its ever been. Non issue
-Class balance was always out of our hands
-Brand new players having trouble getting into a 20year old game? Geee who would have thought

Yeah because the arena scene is so healthy right now.

I remember having many friends and groups active during MoP. WoD destroyed (my guild, and) most of WoW’s social and PvP spheres IMO, and instead of investigating why that was – further expansions only doubled down on the sameness, FOMO and anti-MMO systems and aspects. I still managed to find RBG groups in Legion, the first half of BfA and Shadowlands, but the Solo brackets really changed the game. I really don’t like how BGB grants RBG titles. There’s basically zero reason for anyone to make an RBG group. I sorely miss when RBGs and bracketed arenas were THE game. An MMO should require cooperation, collaboration, and networking. I miss the ladder politics, the banter, the dueling in queues, the cliques that formed around the best players and leaders in the sphere, content creators who organized teams. Remember the Youtube R1 montages, class guides and strategy lessons? Those were the days…
Insert that gif of Robert Baratheon ironically cheering with the wine (acknowledging things have gone downhill)

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You don’t have to say it directly, but that is what you’re suggesting.

^ this entire suggestion is talking about lobby game.

You want a place to “goon” around in while you wait? There is this thing called Warmode, go find some people to fight.

We use to have in front of SW and Org people dueling all the time, but the oversharding of the game has ruined any chance of actually getting to duel people.

Beside that Shadowlands S1 was the most played PvP season ever I think, do you really want to say that the current game design, MMR system, etc. aren’t an issue of why arena participation is bad? How comes DF season 2-4 were still quite active, compared to now, even though we had soloq?

Personally I would blame the MMR system! All seasons where the MMR was moving were very active, while seasons with hard stucked MMR were mostly dead.

It was not.

Because tuning passes aren’t really a thing, so egregious specs like BM spend way to long lording over people.

Doesn’t help that the social aspect of the game has been utterly ruined due to rss and blitz.
Why spend time looking for people and having to communicate, when you can just mongoloid into soloque with no consequences.

Its the nature of the game. Idk if you havent noticed but the age of the mmos has long passed and wow stands as the most succesful after 20 years. It is what it is.

All they need to do us nail balance and people will be happy. Is not the end of the world and the solo modes have given pvp more people

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Yes, and it was actively vetoed by the community during testing because people got really upset they would rng into rogue/mage/priest on one side and double ret+ hpal with perma forbearance overlap on the other.

That’s how the “shuffle” came about. Also, wow arena is not like bgs where you can die and still come back and win objectives. If you die you die, so anyone making a mistake is super punishing, so to sit in a queue, have your mage not block and healer not trinket, and being banished back to queue is absolutely miserable.

The format was specifically developed in response to and to ameliorate community concerns with a random one-off game mode.

However, that all being said, it’s INSANE to me that we still have the same lfg from, like, wotlk?
It is BEYOND me that there isn’t a filter to sign up and look for classes/specs within a range of cr/xp.


Right? Took you over 10 years. :x

Interesting and thanks for the history on it. I didn’t even realize there was public testing for it. I just saw an announcement one day and it was shuffle lol. I can understand the concerns you listed, but my initial thoughts on solo queue was it would just be an automated LFG where I could get automatically placed into a team with other people doing the same then we queue 3’s. If it doesn’t work out someone leaves and we try again or it does work out and we keep going maybe add each other on bnet etc. I’d imagine some filters I could use that would make matching me take a longer time or I could forgo them and get a team faster. What do I know though maybe that just wouldn’t work.

So PvE is ruined since LFR? Maybe think about it that way: When people would love to socialize, why are those games the minority on the market?

People just want to start the game, have 2-3 hours some fun and logout again. What they don’t want to do, is to make friends first before they can enjoy the content they paid for.