Watch the World of Warcraft Expansion Reveal Now!

I love the game. I just want the developers to deliver the production value we saw in Legion: a new class, 4+ raid tiers, and quarterly content drops.


Its never going to happen. They’ve already trained the forum contrarians to deny any notion that classes can be fun by themselves.

so it happens the day after my birthday NICE!!! also if the expansion isnt dragon isles like others believe please on that day ask them to address that.

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I read it as an underpaid intern being snarky.


Make Bandages Great Again


Player Housing, and I’m in.


I got surprised when i read “August”, but i remembered that it can means something like “majestic” too, like the “August” Celestials, from Pandaria.

They are trolling us :joy:

Considering how hyped up & excited everyone has been for “Dragonflight”, it’s going to be pretty hilarious if it’s something totally different. Hilarious in a black humor kind of way, that is. If they announce some bland-looking expansion that has nothing to do with dragons, Blizzard stock may even take a dive LOL

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Well, I am only slightly excited!
You can’t blame me though, Shadowlands was Less than admirable, and makes me question why I still play. But, as this game has been a part of my life for so long, i’ll be willing to give WOW yet another chance! So I’m going to be positive! Wow me Blizz! Let’s see what you have for us! (Let it be longer than 3 patches please!)
Oh and where’s Forsaken Heritage Armor?! I’ve been waiting so long, Give the Races some heritage armor already! We’ve been waiting a couple years now!
Wait are they just fooling us or is it an August release! Crud! I don’t have the money for that!



I’ll be at work. :frowning:

If it was 9 p.m it would work for most of us.

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Absolutely excited for it, I really hope this hits it out of the ball park.

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Oh no no no someone is unaware of shadowlands season 4


Now they are going to butcher the Aspects lore.


I miss the days pre-Legion when all you had to do was reach the level cap. No borrowed power systems, no time-gating mechanics. Your class was already a complete package, so all you had to do was just get gear.

Others may have found such simplicity boring, but not for me. What’s boring is:

  • World of Simcraft: Can’t immediately equip outside of straight upgrades or replacing quest gear
  • World of Playing on Blizzard’s Schedule: Waiting for player flight and time-gated renown
  • World of Unnecessary Grinding: Island expeditions and “Chore-ghast”

I don’t like saying this, but if a person is looking for a game with some serious post-cap progression systems
 then they’re playing the wrong game. Hell, even the disaster that was pre-RoS Diablo III did a better job than Legion.

This game badly needs a return to form.


If tinkers are real I would be so happy.
From when I started playing the game, I fell in love with the engineering profession and wished it was a full-blown class.
 I am trying to keep my expectations low but it is difficult

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can we actually fly with the dragons straight away?..


The expansion will be called “Dragonwalk” until you unlock flying


Expansion better include real player housing. I mean, after 15+ years of playing WoW why would we not.


At the same time, you had little freedom for builds. Actual builds. You didn’t have anything resembling the differences in builds for a given spec like Enhancement Shaman Venthyr Doomwinds vs Fae Wolf Bones vs Necro Primal Lava that have completely different playstyles.

This build diversity exists because of borrowed power systems like Leggos and Covenants abilities.

People say that Tier is good enough, but tier pigeonholes you, it is the opposite of freedom of choice. If anything, Enhancement Shaman tier is a problem because it forces you away form Ascendance which makes Doom Winds builds far less appealing (Ascendance and Doom Winds synergy made that build and you can’t play Ascendance with the current tier set).

In the old way, you play a class the same way an entire patch, with maybe some slightly different trinkets and some changes in set bonuses that slightly mix up your rotation. Nothing like what we have now. I wouldn’t want to go back. I want this level of freedom, just without the drama of these progression systems tied to them. The level of choice we get is amazing and the sooner these choices unlock the sooner we can play with different builds and try different flavors of the same spec out.


Can’t wait to start grinding Alexstrasza Power. :upside_down_face: