Watch the World of Warcraft Expansion Reveal Now!

Aspect power but yeah.

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She’s the first dragon that comes to mind when I think of the dragonflights, so I rolled with it. lol

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Oh the torture is real. I can’t wait, and I’ve been anxiously waiting since the first announcement a few weeks ago!


Thanks, I’ll believe the new expansion then but take as long as you need to make it because I’m having fun in SL now :smiley:

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Excluding the tiers prior to T4 that truly did pigeonhole you into a specific role (e.g. resto shaman or bust), I have never felt that way about the tier system.

I liked WoW a lot more when it was World of Warcraft, not “World of Diablo”. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.


Pandaren druids confirmed?

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This may be Will Smith related?

I’ll laugh if Dragonflight is the free mobile game,and they’re just going to offer “deluxe” upgrades you can buy for WoW rewards.


I love World of Diablo. That’s a great way to put it. I think the D3 style of awesome cool modifiers is just a lot of fun. Like Diablo 3, I think the game is more fun when everyone has access to this stuff and has freedom to build the builds they want to play with. I think the Path of Exile model of having a bucket full of :poop: next to your desk in order to play certain builds, or the Vanilla :poop: WoW model of having to raid on your alts to enjoy playing them is garbage.

World of Diablo is awesome. Playing ever increasing Greater Rifts / Mythic Keystones with a variety of build options is awesome. I love it. It’s so fun and it is the most fun when you have lots of different options.

All that I said, I actually do enjoy the locked Covenants in theory, but only in theory as the execution was flawed. Secondary classes is an awesome concept but they simply failed to deliver - it wasn’t a secondary class but simply a very small package that slots into a larger build.

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Whoa there, Satan. :raised_hands:t2: :joy:


can’t wait for blizz to omit the mundane grinds that require no skill which are tied to player power, again.

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why you are so mad ?

at the end of the day you will buy that next expansion and you know it

10.0 will be awesome just wait the announcement .

“rich storytelling and expansive worlds”

Devs April fools was 11 days ago

Ok bad joke. but personaly I have lost all love for this game. Shadowlands broke me and I survived BFA and WoD to its fullest but Shadowlands was just so HORRIBLY design for me (Raids where great that is something I will always give prop to Ion he can make a raid in a very amazing work) but the rest of the game was just
 yeah I do not have words in the English language to Say how horrible it felt for me to the point I stopped playing retail in patch 9.1 (and if not for the fact TBC classic came out at that moment I would be fully in FF14).

But alas you guys gave me almost 2 decades of almost good content so I am willing to give it a shot and see whats the new expansion. Will go with very low expectations so please prove that you can do what you use to be the best at and not make me go “well Im glad I left that dumpsterfire a year ago”



If I come across mad, maybe it’s because:

And although you will accept anything as a low standard consumer- I didn’t buy Legion until last patch, x years later. I didn’t buy BFA. I unsubbed SL for Season 2. You don’t know me, you just need to know that as an actual gamer, I’m not satisfied with the bare minimum :+1:t5:


the problem is the game is so trash , yet you are 270 ilvl .

you can just stop playing the game and unsub .

you already 100 M+ , i respect the grind dude .

We know the game is not in the best form atm , you don’t have to make negative comments or being pessimistic on every topics


You’ve already forgotten how terrible artifact weapons were until they fixed them toward the end of Legion, eh?

You’ve already forgotten how terrible azerite armor was until they fixed it toward the end of BfA, eh?

You’ve already forgotten how terrible Covenants were until they fixed them toward the end of Shadowlands, eh?

You’ve already forgotten how terrible " " was until they fixed it toward the end of Dragonflight, eh?


I’m only playing to chill with homies atm. I’m past the mundane Enlightened grind, and the gold grind for player power leggos x2. Doesn’t mean they were good for my time spent, or the health of the game. Blizz is just constantly doubling down on those systems so it’s tough to get hype.


The mere suggestion of what you just put forth should demand your removal from the Community Council.

If I didn’t know better, you only mentioned it to gauge fan reaction.

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

I agree the implementation of those systems were atrocious at the start, and it is a shame all the feedback they were getting from beta testers was completely ignored. That is the beauty of being able to unsub until the systems are fixed in a way they should have been implemented based on community feedback.

I expect there to be a major problem in the game that will take a year to fix
there always is. However, the start of expansions are fun. It is fun to level up, do the new dungeons and raids. I’ll play the start of the expansion and if the end game systems are bad I’ll just unsub and come back when they’re fixed.

I’m excited for the new expansion despite the problems that will come with it.

My post was more about “Be careful what you wish for” but I will say that I have also enjoyed the expansions (and the systems when fixed) and Blizz has been actively listening to community feedback lately.

The fix is easy really. Just have the system devoid of player power.

I remain cautiously optimistic about Dragonflight.

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