Watch the MDI & AWC Shadowlands Global Finals and earn the Fearless Spectator title!

Pay me a few million gold and I’ll consider putting the stream up on another screen to help boost your metrics. An achievement and title isn’t enough to get me to turn on something that boring :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You don’t understand the problem. It will not sync because my account for Youtube is flagged as a “Brand” I only have 1 Youtube account. Learn to read. It has nothing to do with privacy or data but a flaw in their system.

I got the Title in Legion for watching with 0 issues. This is a Blizzard-Youtube problem.


Fearless Spectator…
I mean the title is just kind of dumb.

Give us a title that’s actually cool and relevant like “The Whale” :whale2::whale:

No thanks. Please put the RPG back in this mmoRPG, tyvm.


Is this the first title in the game that I can earn by taking a nap?

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You know, I don’t really see how this is any different from someone paying for a click farm to view or subscribe to a channel. You’re providing an incentive for the sole purpose of driving up views.

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Haha no thanks.

What a dorky title

WoW :clap: is :clap: not :clap: an :clap: esport :clap: please :clap: stop :clap:


Yup! The idea of watching someone play a computer game just boggles my mind.

I’m reminded of my brother’s ex who once told us: I could watch him play games for hours.

We all thought: Liar.

So yup, happily in the ‘hate esports’ camp. :smiley_cat:

I’m torn on this one.

On the one-hand, I wouldn’t mind adding the game’s first “earn it while you nap” title to my collection.

On the other hand, I really hate how EwwSports has been ramrodded into a game that doesn’t deserve it.

Choices choices.

Respectfully Blizzard,

Before you can receive rewards, you’ll need to link your YouTube and Blizzard accounts

This is a giant no for me. I don’t link my accounts between platforms for anything. We have enough tracking going on without making it easier.


-raises paw-

Why isn’t it Cosmic or Cryptic? Fearless was a Legion season.

I think people are being unreasonably harsh. I kinda enjoy watching it all.

I really like supatease, hes pretty entertaining as an announcer (and hes cute) lol

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Heck yeah dude let me go watch RMP for 2 hours so i can get a title wow cool! eyeroll

Bring it back to Twitch, I hate YouTube Live.


This is just sad, having to bribe people with a title to get them to watch an eSport event. Maybe that’s a sign that this sort of thing shouldn’t be a thing at all in WoW.


vim pela live do AiaiOnline, muito boa na Twitch, passamos os dia todo zoando o careca com cara de rabico. Muito bom!

Indeed but they want to keep it going…I have it running in the background with 0 volume lol.

I agree with you here.

Wow!! I never linked when I was “doing things”.


Mdi is so boring to watch. I’d rather watch an educational video about how to bathe monkeys vs watching that snooze fest.

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Is awc still rmp mirrors?