Watch Shadowlands Afterlives Animated Shorts

We’ll save him because we’re saving the shadowlands.He would have wanted that.

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The Ardenweald was better than the last one. I don’t think people should be discouraged by Ursoc. Ysera died and we are seeing her again from my understanding. There is potential they are not completely done with Ursoc too.

Starting to think Blizzard isn’t going to let use see what we are voting for…the mount that is. I was trying to express we were fully aware of what we were voting for with the motorcycles and what they would look like. I am not understanding what is going on this time around… we are not asking for a bell and whistles reveal like the bikes. (which was fun and all I am just sayin’) We are content with even black and white sketches… I really would’ve enjoyed voting with everyone else.

Anyways one more left I believe for the animations.

Really enjoyed watching Afterlives: Ardenweald. Ursoc will not be forgotten for he serves the Wilds. RIP Ursoc.

Also I must say that Ardenweald’s sound design is amazing.


Ardenweald was definitely a tad emotional for me as a guardian druid. There is a lot of lore tied up in Ursoc. And seeing him go in a whisper was hard, even if it was to serve the wilds.

It is an interesting choice narratively, not only are they re-killing a character that was already mourned, but they are doing it by the hands of characters Blizz seems to want us to root for, characters we don’t really know yet.
Don’t get my wrong I understand the reasoning behind it, showing the desperation of the drought, but when meeting characters first impressions carry a lot of weight.
Regardless of what happens or what they do, the winter queen and the keeper will always be the ones who destroyed Ursoc. Whereas if the same decision had come later after learning more about the characters and the struggle of their choice it would be easier to forgive/understand.
Side note: Ashamane was singled out to be saved from the grove destined to be drained early into the Ardenweald questline, so I’m not sure why Ursoc wasn’t also spared by the queen as well.

All of the narrative choices aside, I’ll admit I’m pretty confused about the lore of death in shadowlands. In Maxx they implied that if they die they went to the maw, but in ardenweald they imply that it’s a destruction and they are gone forever yet no one flat out explains how it works as far as I’m aware. So honestly I’m not even sure if Ursoc is gone, or in the maw, or maybe his seed is just dormant and he can be revived with more anima. Perhaps I’m not far enough into shadowlands to know, but atm the lore seems hazy at best to me.


GG Ursoc !!

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For Ursoc!!!

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First one was good.
Last 2 were eh.
Ursoc was an annoying fight on mythic, so him dying doesn’t matter to me.

Hopefully the next one will be good.

I disagree.

The true destroyers of Ursoc is the Jailer, Sylvanas, Sire Denathrius, etc… all those who put these events into motion. The Winter Queen, Ara’lon, etc… are trying to save as many lives as possible.

In a way, they’re extraordinarily selfless. Their goal is to save as many Wild Gods as possible. Ardenweald is dying, and that means they will die. They’re not harvesting anima for themselves. They’re trying to get as many Wild Gods as possible to be reborn before it dies, and they will die with it.

It could be Ashamane was closer to being reborn than Ursoc was. Ardenweald is showing us the horrors of Triage. It’s kind of like being a First Responder; you can’t always save every life. This one really hits home hard.

As far as what happens if you die in the Shadowlands, we really don’t know. Entities native to the Shadowlands, such as the Stewards in Bastion, behave like demons; if they die in their native plane, their essence reforms into a brand new entity. So, Steve the Steward dies, and his essence reforms as Dave the Steward. We don’t know what happens to souls that die in the Shadowlands.

As for Ursoc being able to return, there was a tweet by a Dev that suggested players going to Ardenweald pay attention to that Covenant’s little soul garden content, where you nurture souls and bring them back to life. So, maybe we’ll see Ursoc there.

A sacrifice should be made by the individual, not betrayed by those who swore to protect them.
I was very excited to join Ardenweald until I saw this. It seems against the nature of this region and its inhabitants to leech souls; something I would expect in Revendreth, not Ardenweald. I understand the premise of desperation, but it seems morally bankrupt and even cowardly to take a soul’s essence without their consent… must be nice to have the luxury of sacrificing others “for the greater good” in place of yourself and still sleep at night. I loved the other Afterlife series so far, but this one seemed highly counter to the region’s morality than what I was expecting. I would have been much more proud if he had stood his ground and protected Ursoc’s soul and that soul once born gave strength to the cause rather than being used only as a temporary source of power. Or Ursoc HIMSELF gave his permission to be used in such a way rather than being unconsciously sacrificed. The art was amazing, and the story, capably tragic, but I disliked it immensely. At first it held true, but after culling the souls, it no longer seemed anything like the characteristic I was expecting and hoping for in this region.
I was very disappointed, and I watched it more than once to make sure I didn’t miss anything that would change my mind.

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ardenweald are the guardians and curators of the nature spirits, any gardener or nature warden would acknowledge that sometimes some things must be culled so that others can survive.
nature isn’t lovey-dovey, nature is often brutal and harsh, and the survival of the whole is more important than the any one individual.
the decision to cull some groves so that others could survive makes perfect sense for ardenweald.

I know quite well how brutal nature is, but regarding the the rest of your argument, I disagree. Sacrifice should be the decision of the individual, not up to someone who swore to protect them.

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sure is a long wait for the next video. i wonder whats taking so long

It…it comes out at 10am like the others have…? 10 or 11? PDT, that is.

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The wait? Time Zones

It’s almost 8 am here on the west coast. These don’t come out till about 10 or 11

i see. thanks for the info. btw its past 11am here on the east coast

I understand that. But everything Blizzard does is 9 out of 10 times (For NA anyway) West coast time. Been this way for YEARS.

May I ask a quick question. I am truly not trying to diss or upset anyone. It’s just something I see over and over.

When thinking about things like this does the thought it could be in a different timezone cross the thought process?

I don’t blame you if you do or don’t. For me, when I see a time on a release or event, I always seem to try to figure out the timezone first. That could be due to living on the west coast and everyone assuming east coast rules the time stream. Just funny.

Anyway, I will be hitting F5 with you waiting for it to drop. It’s going to be great!!

well in my honest opinion everything blizzard has scheduled so far has been before noon with the exception of major updates here on the east coast. it simply fell off of what I expected and that’s no reason to be angry or upset at. in fact I welcome the surprise.


Oh man. I tried to word that, so it didn’t come off as angry or upset. I was just wanting to ask that question for some time. Sorry if it came across wrong.

Thanks for your answer.

Is this video an analogy for modern wow? lmao

This sealed it I’m definitely picking revendreth.

Denathrius is everything