Watch Shadowlands Afterlives Animated Shorts

this video was super weak oof

cool cause animation but super weak

I just have one question:

If this Orc is Garrosh, how he’s soul has made to “our” Shadowlands if he died on an alternate universe?

Does the souls of the original timeline goes to the original Shadowlands, besides dying somewhere else? Because if that is the case, so Maraad, Admiral Taylor and Baros Alexston should be there also, for example…

My compliments to the team, I’m really enjoying these.

Holy cow. That was fantastic Blizzard.

Its been confirmed that the souls of those who died in alternate realities go to our shadowlands.

Edit. I should add, AU’s while alternate, still take place in reality, the shadowlands transcend reality and just like how there is only one legion, there is only one shadowlands.

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So if that is the case, can we say that the Shadowlands have now a new Ner’zhul? The one of AU Draenor. Even Velen could be there too, with other characters.

God things are really confusing right now.

I like see garrosh eternal punishment

Revendreth; the crappiest cinematic of them all. Nothing about it says pick us unless you like sadomasochism (so maybe a few people will like it). Really, of the other well done cinematics, this came off as lazy and that no one had time to do a proper one. Really disappointed in this last one.


For those that like Revendreth,this sicken me.


Weak cinematic and no prepatch date to follow, sad

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What did you do with Test? why did you snuff out its life?

AWSOME! I can’t wait!

Afterlives: Lucius Malfoy


Suramar 2.0
Exactly the same plot.


I don’t know, I felt really bad for the “poor” lining up, giving their last pennies so the “rich” could party. Revendreth seems more about class struggle than the penance aspect of it.

Considering Castle Nathria is the first raid, I think you’d be more of a Robin Hood than a sadist nobleman.

Well that just more solidified my choice of the Nightfae. Don’t get me wrong there is a part of me that would love to drain every drop of anima from the souls of the wicked, but I do detest torture.

and are setting up a redemption arc for Garrosh… :face_vomiting:

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Bastion: Story
Maldraxxus: Story
Ardenweald: Story
Revendreth: Political Campaign Ad


AU Nerzhul is probably in the shadowlands, MU is probably either destroyed or bound to the frozen throne im not sure. AU Velen could be there too unless somehow his soul was all used up when he cleansed the dark star.

It is however entirely possible that both MU and AU characters end up in the shadowlands, that being said that doesn’t mean they’ll end up in the same area nor does it mean that they’ll even recognize themselves if they came across one another, as for example Kyrians lose their memories and look entirely different than they did in their mortal lives.

that animation is horrible wym.