Was Xe'ra good or evil?

I directed you to one of my sources in the previous comment and you know it.

Then tell me what people love him for or why they love him in in spite of those traits?

I addressed this in a part of my comment you skipped in your cherry-picking.

Would you check that proof, or turn a blind eye as you did to my previous source?

Your claim that her Lightforging him was taking away his free will, for one.

That’s not the same as saying “he did nothing wrong” and you know it. (I didn’t see her condemning his prison sentence).

Cool story, bro. I’ve done quite a bit of debunking on those subjects, you’re only right about the pushback there… even if I talk about this character too much sometimes.

Some of the insane hate has cooled, but a bit remains.

You might want to look in a mirror before saying that.

Ok, one thing doesn’t make sense to me… how is she getting more hate than she deserves if you acknowledge she was designed by a Dev to be hated? It seems like she is getting exactly the hate she was designed for.

Do you want people to love her just to spite the Dev? Xera was designed as loathsome and it hit the mark.

If you think the concept of a Light Mother is nifty, and you like the Light, and you wish Xera was a totally different Character that no one on the internet would ever be mean to because she is sooo darn cool… I can understand that.

You think she could have been something more - at least that acknowledges that her current version is junk. People didn’t like her, and it seems as if you don’t even like her - you want her to be something she is not. Ironically, sort of like Xera wanted Illidan to be something he is not.

Oh boy- the comment section? Yeah, that is always where the staid and contemplative discussions are to be had.


It’s YouTube. People who don’t even play the game can comment on said content. It’s not indicative of how the actual fanbase feels afterall

Don’t know why people try to use it as evidence


Because that devs’ issues came out in the cinematic.

Maybe he made her from the get-go from that purpose, though she didn’t fit that given the backstory and personality; eg, they say she’s a fanatic, but she compromises… which is the number one thing fanatics don’t do.

Maybe someone else had another story for X’era, and he pulled rank and derailed it with that cinematic to push his edgelord power fantasy (I’m not naming him because that might make the mods memory-hole the comment or thread). I suspect the latter giving the jarring shift.

I acknowledge that her current version is horribly written wasted potential that some people went insane with hatred for after that cinematic.

I cited that as proof of the insane hatred I was referring to.

So most of them make one-sided comments on characters and story they know nothing about?

There isn’t a jarring shift though. She was annoying from the start to many people - before the cinematic. You seem to be ignoring that fact.

If she was designed to be hated by a Cosby Crew Dev with mommy issues… and he made her annoying and over bearing and hypocritical from the start so she would be hated… and she was indeed hated… then the character came out as designed. There is no undeserved hate for Xera - it was in the design by the Devs. There is no jarring shift for most folks in this thread.

Most of the fan talk I heard about Xe’ra prior to that cinematic fell into one of three categories;

  • “She might be trick a from Kil’jaeden.”
  • “She’s really promoting Illidan.”
  • People being divided on her idea of Illidan being a Champion of the Light.

The shift from that to her trying to imbue him with the Light by force and getting one-shotted to the tune of angsty one-liners was a twist so clumsy it’d give Shyamalan himself whiplash.

While she wasn’t a popular character, I wouldn’t say many people found her annoying before that cinematic, though some did. Most of the complaints I heard and saw about her came after that cinematic.

And I’m not seeing the “hypocritical” part.

Well I am glad you learned that there is more to the world than what you heard. Which is why you made the thread, I imagine- to learn.

Take this thread you made - many folks here said they were annoyed by her before the cinematic. They didn’t just love her and then turn because she was mean to Illidan at that moment- she was loathsome to many even before hand.

You don’t have to believe me, you can read the thread you made. You seem to ignore notions that don’t fit your narrative, when they are right here in a convenient collection.

The fact that the people you’re referring to are few in number and speaking long after that cinematic makes me skeptical of that.

It would be more productive to talk to a brick wall than have a conversation with you about Xe’ra.

I’ve given up trying to have any logical discourse about Xe’ra’s grey morality, it’s pointless.


So you made a thread and you would only accept points of view time stamped prior to the release of the cinematic? Seems an odd reason to make a thread, if you were only going to consider replies made back in time.

Seems odd that you doubt these people. Why would they lie? I guess I believe them because I found Xera annoying from the start, myself. And I think you will find the same folks have been consistent throughout the various Xera threads you make.

It’s not uncommon for someone to read about a certain cinematic everyone is talking about, go watch it and comment on it.

It’s happens more than you realize

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Uh… I always acknowledged some people found her annoying from the get-go;

You have to admit the Xe’ra hatedom exploded after that cringe cinematic?

No, I don’t agree.

I believe the cinematic was popular because an annoying character met their end. I don’t think the cinematic stoked some new level of hate among the fans.


You didn’t see how most of the big WoW commentators went ape :poop: after that cinematic? How clips from that cinematic cropped up 9 times out of 10 whenever they made a video where the Light came up for the following several years? (Bellular, Nobbel and Doronsmovies were the worst offenders).

I think it was more other reasons (such as a new character committing the “crime” of daring to oppose a popular character or trying to change something about them, or a “true art is angsty” attitude).

And I looked at that video, and I looked at the comments.

None of the comments were praising Illidan’s bad deeds, as you claimed they were doing.

People have already done that here. Scroll up. I’m not going to repeat their posts, and I know you’ve already read and even responded to them.

That isn’t what is happening. This is just another one of your dishonest accusations that make people respond to you with hostility. Another one?

This low-key assumption that everyone else, all of us, every single one is approaching you in bad faith.

I’ve always checked your evidence when you provide it. When you’re right, I’ve admitted it. When the proof you provide doesn’t back your claims, I state such as well as my reasoning for not seeing evidence to back your claims.

Not my claim, Thad. I speculated it is one of two possibilities that both have the same net result; Illidan not changing.

Either lightforging does cause mind-control, meaning Illidan is only acting differently by force, or it doesn’t and Illidan behaves as he always has, even before the Fel.

By saying we were wrong to oppose him, she is in fact defending him. In spite of his actions.

Tell me you don’t want an honest discussion without using the words “I don’t want to have an honest discussion”.

I’m literally acknowledging your right to have an opinion. Our argument is purely about facts (Xe’ra’s statements, the issue with assuming Lightforging would make Illidan suddenly not be his normal toxic self) and your blanket assumptions about other posters’ feelings about Illidan.

You’ve repeatedly diminished and demeaned the opnions of others, right here, in this thread, and recently at that.

I can look in that mirror no problem, because I’m not coming at you in bad faith. You keep coming at me like I’m personally holding the bag for all your problems with other people on this forum and elsewhere. You prove this by placing the onus of other people’s comments on to my argument.

My mirror is clear, and an adorable person is looking back at me.


In fact, I believe that one of Xe’ra’s worst mistakes was defending Illidan and insisting on this prophecy that culminated in him being forcibly forged.

However, Illidan is a villain. It was like this in the past, it continued to be during Legion, and it’s unlikely to change in the future. There is no way to accept him as an anti-hero when his actions were worse than many villains we have had throughout history.

That said, it’s important to remember what happened right after Illidan killed Xe’ra.

The game treated him as a “hero”, praised him and enhanced his image even more when he even stopped the sword attack of Turalyon, one of the greatest paladins present at that time, with one hand. At the same moment, Illidan killed one of the first naarus and calmly stopped the blow of one of the greatest champions of the Light.

It’s depressing that the force of Light was presented in this way and that its humiliation was done to elevate a villain. And the worst part, whether you are a Luz fan or not, it was very questionable that the game also forced the player to side with the villain, obey his commands through missions and even subject himself to watching him give a sermon to a leader racial.

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Xe’era was evil just because you use or are the light doesnt make you good. its how and how not use it that makes you evil.

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Using the Light not making one inherently good doesn’t prove a specific Light user is evil.

Most comments were Illidan fanboying and fangirling. That said, what do you consider Illidan’s bad deeds?

Most of those actually prove me right; they love him in spite of or because of his toxic traits.

You really denied an accusation of cherry-picking by doing even more cherry-picking? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m not talking to everyone else in this comment, and you’re trying to avoid the point; stop it.

That’s wrong and you know it; you literally pushed the idea that it would change him.

You’re just repeating yourself here, I already answered this one earlier.

Now you’re just projecting.

So much projection in this part of the comment…

Not what I saw, but okay.


Are you cherry-picking? Because you’re literally doing the thing you’re calling cherry-picking.

I’m not.

It’s not.

I did not.

I have to, or you’ll accuse me of not answering a question.

I wasn’t.

Not at all.


The Mag’har could tell you volumens of what involountary Lightbinding does to a person’s free will. And how the Light itself was destroying Draenor, the same number it did to a section of Revendreth.

But you see Thadeus’ extreme perception filter has made the Light into his own perverse representation of his Christian faith, so he takes any portrayal of the Light being anything but unvarnished virtue to be a personal attack on his faith.

Thad… pay attention to this Lying For Jesus does NOT make you a good Christian. It only makes you at best… a deluded one. At worst, draw the picture for yourself.